That must have been some party Sunday night at some of the clubs on the GTA live music scene, as several that normally proudly feature live music on Tuesdays either remain closed, have dark stages or simply haven’t been able to clear the hangover enough to enable them to update their websites and social media pages!
Consequently, I have once again erred on the side of caution for today’s listings by eliminating regular events where I don’t have clear indication that they are actually happening along with regular shows at the several rooms that have stated they’re closed. Places which don’t present any info anywhere that I can find have also been deleted.
But why it is that so many clubs seem to think that updating their entertainment listings —even if it is just to say “we’re closed” or “no show today”— is of such little importance? I’ve had a number of club owners whom I’ve queried about the situation say “oh, our social media person left,” or “we’re just so busy with everything that we don’t always have time to do it” —as if it were a matter of such mere importance as adding an extra ornament to the Christmas tree.
Not only are such venues shooting themselves in the foot and hobbling their own cash register, they’re also displaying disrespect for the artists coming to perform there —and I don’t care how established and successful and “musician-friendly” the room is, the statement stands.
Moreover, in addition to dissing the particular artist being employed to perform (often at less than even the new $15 Ontario minimum wage despite all the expense that becoming and remaining an effective performer requires) they’re also injuring the entire live music scene by chalking up another night of low turnout that mysteriously is always regarded as the musician’s fault when the meagre proceeds are tallied at the end of the night. After it happens time and time again in place after place, this discourages other rooms from trying live music or provides a rationale for even lower —or revenue-based/no guarantee whatsoever— stipend.
If you’re a regular attendee at one of the rooms in which you’d normally expect to find live music but that is missing from today’s listings, you could do everyone a favour by asking the venue whether any information was made available and if not why not, and pointing by out to them that you are someone who requires that in order to make a decision to support them.
Here’s to a prosperous new year in which more people get their shit together!
-Gary 17,
[email protected]
SHOW LISTINGS for Tuesday, January 02, 2022
For KEY to listings codes and schemata see note at end of shows list.
Names of subscribers appear in bold, are underlined and, where applicable, include a live link to their websites.
Advertisers’ listings are in larger, highlighted type, include live link to website and also have ad icon included in listings.
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4-6pm> Blues Blast w Ken Wallis @ 101.5 FM or
**7-8> “Songtalk Radio” songwriters interviews/chat with weekly guest @ CJRU 1280AM Toronto and online
7-9> “Unsung and On The Side” with Carolyn Fe on
10-11> “Howl” with hosts Nancy Bullis & Valentino Assenz on CIUT 89.5FM & online ~profiles of and interviews with poets and songwriters
6:30> Patrick O’Reilly’s Wire Circus @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Jazz; $
*6:30-9:30> Stacie McGregor @ N’awlin’s, 299 King St. W. TO ~Jazz piano
7> open mic for singers, rappers & poets with host Breanna Chanelle @ Harlem Underground, 745 Queen St. W.
7:30> Karen Ng, Mike Smith & D. Alex Meeks @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick St. ~Jazz
7:45-11> “Irie Tuesdays” open mic for singers, rappers & poets @ Harlem Underground, 745 Queen St. W.
*8> open mic night with Michael & Mark Villamor @ The Hideout, 423 College St.
*8:30-12> “Open Mic for the Starving Artist” @ Cavern Bar, 76 Church St. ~with food for songs!
8:30> Tailors of Mayhem; The Nighttime; Keeners; Bo Welland @ Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen St. W. ~indie; $0
*9> Game.Set.Trap @ Mrs. Robinson, 574 College St., TO Central ~Hip-Hop covers
*9> open mic @ The Paddock, 178 Bathurst St.
9> Good Enough Live Karaoke Band @ Handlebar, 159 Augusta Ave. ~karaoke with live band
9:30> Tony Peebles & Chris Gale @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Jazz; $
*10-2> The Sattalites @ Orbit Room, 580 College St. ~original & cover Reggae/Funk; $
10> Peripheral Vision with Nick Arsenau @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick St. ~Jazz
*6-9> Julian Fauth solo @ Sauce, 1376 Danforth Ave. ~original Blues piano
7-9> Django Jazz Jam @ Relish, 2152 Danforth Ave. ~tribute to Django Reinhardt; 0$
7> Sol Roselle et al @ Salty Dog, 1980 Queen St. E. ~Jazz; $0
8> open stage @ Hirut Café, 2050 Danforth Ave. ~Roots
**8-11> open stage hosted by Kyle Duffin @ The Old Nick, 123 Danforth Ave.
8> Amber & Alex; Houndbelly; The Mysterlees @ Linsmore Tavern, 1298 Danforth Ave. ~indie; 0$
*8-10> open mic with rotating hosts @ The Beach House, 1953 Queen St. E.
8:30-10:30> Tom Waits Appreciation Congregation @ Castro’s, 2116 Queen St. E. ~tribute to Tom Waits
*9-1> jam with Mike Sedgewick & The Blue Gurus @ The Duke Live, 1225 Queen St. E.
*9> open mic with host Asha Diaz @ Groove Bar, 1952 Danforth Ave.
*9:30> Peter Verity @ Black Swan, 154 Danforth Ave. ~Folk Roots
*8> Groove Stone @ Timothy’s Pub, 344 Brown’s Line ~Rock/Soul
9:30> Gibbran @ Fossil & Haggis, 790 Military Trail ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
10> Wayne Ferguson hosts jam & karaoke night @ West Hill Pizza, 4379 Kingston Rd.
8-10:30> Tuesday duos with Peter Hill on keys & guest Reg Schwager @ La Rev, 2848 Dundas St. W. ~Jazz/Blues; 0$
*8-11> Freeman Dre & The Kitchen Party @ The Inter Steer, 357 Roncesvalles Ave. ~acoustic Folk-Rock originals & covers
8-11> Bachelard; LUKA; tendencyitis @ Belljar Café, 2072 Dundas St. W. ~improvised experimental
8:30> Drummers In Exile @ Remix Lounge, 1305 Dundas St. W. ~drums & dance circle
9> open mic @ Ciros Restaurant, 1316 Bloor St. W.
9> Brian Sasaki and The Scuffed Souls @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave. ~original Rockabilly Swing
11> Chelsey Bennett @ Motel Bar, 1235 Queen St. W. ~piano Pop solo
6> open mic @ Manhattan’s Guelph, 951 Gordon St., Guelph
*6-8:30> Ukulele jam & workshop @ Idea Exchange Galt, Queen’s Square at 1 North Square, Cambridge
6:30-8> Ukulele jam & workshop @ Idea Exchange Preston, 435 King St. E., Cambridge
*7-11> Waterloo Wellington Bluegrass Association holds Bluegrass jam @ Galt Legion RCL #121, 4 Veterans Way, Cambridge
*7-9> Juneyt @ Easy Pour Wine Bar, 1660 Blair Rd., Cambridge ~Flamenco guitarist
8> acoustic song circle jam with host Terry Golletz @ Café Crêperie, 40 Mill St. W., Elora
9> open mic jam @ Sip Club, 91 Wyndham St. N., Guelph
9-11:30> open jam with John McKinley Band @ Churchill Arms, 355 Erb St. W., Waterloo
10> Chalkline @ Duke of Wellington, 33 Erb St. W., Waterloo
4-8> Courtney Bowles @ The Coach & Horses, 16 York St., Lindsay ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
7> open mic with Randy Hill @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough
*9> open mic night @ Red Dog Tavern, 189 Hunter St. W., Peterborough
905 EAST
*6:30-11> The Woodshed jam with Don Niblett & Frank Zochodne @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa
*8:30-12:30> open mic with host Cheryl Stiles @ The Pearson Pub, 101 Mary St. W., Whitby
9> TJ King @ The Corral, 433 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa ~Country Rock
*9-1> open acoustic jam @ The General, 21 Celina St., Oshawa
*10> open mic with Josh Beaven @ The Atria, 59 King St. E., Oshawa
*8:30-12:30> open mic @ Falcon & Firkin, 10300 Yonge St., Richmond Hill
6> Rob Reed @ Radius, 151 James St. S., Hamilton
7> songwriters open stage with Deeps/Dave Pomfret @ Lukaya Café, 592 Upper Wellington St., Hamilton
8> Grey; Water; Art the Band; Mount Farewell @ Casbah Lounge, 306 King St. W., Hamilton ~indie; $12
8-11> Cory Mercer @ The EndZone, 1305 Main St. E., Hamilton ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
*8> Chris Clause @ Thirsty Cactus, 2 King St. E., Dundas ~acoustic
8> Chris Chambers @ Gallagher’s Bar, 69 Augusta St., Hamilton ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
*8:30-1> Traditional Irish jam @ Corktown Pub, 175 Young St., Hamilton
*9:30> Ten Gallon Cat @ Cat ‘n’ Fiddle, 174 John St. S., Hamilton ~Country?
10> jam night @ Lazy Flamingo, 19 Hess. St. S., Hamilton
905 WEST
8-11> Dale & Cody 139 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit-Mississauga ~acoustic Pop duo
8-12> Justin Hill @ Roc’n Doc’s, 105 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit ~Rock/Top 40 covers
*8> open stage (signup at 7:30) with host Neil McNaughton @ Moonshine Café, 137 Kerr St., Oakville; $2
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically.
Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Events preceded by question mark (?) usually take place but have not been confirmed. Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchases. /+ indicates stated price is minimum.
Copyright © 2018 by Gary “17” Webb-Proctor & All Rights Reserved