Serving thirsty locals and travellers since before Canada was a Country and before your grandfather was born (and maybe your great-grandfather too!), the tavern at Guelph’s Albion Hotel is about as established a watering hole as you’ll find anywhere.
It’s been nearly three decades since I last visited but I doubt things have changed much in the historic brick building (built when edifices were made to last) at 49 Norfolks Road, squatting imposingly on the corner of Macdonnel Street. That’s just a drop in the bucket in the joint’s now 164-year history, being celebrated today with a customer appreciation party.
This place is so old school the building even still has a wee “royal balcony” from which Harry and Meghan can wave to locals when they come to visit.
Inside, however, the bar these days boasts a dozen draught taps with a variety of mainstream and craft beers —and including, of course, Labatt’s 50 Ale on tap! There’s also tvs for sports, etc., and in the upstairs lounge, once a ballroom I believe, there’s djs three nights a week.
Today from 5-9, however, the hotel offers a live performer, inventive and eclectic local Guelph songwriter D’eve Archer, for the customer appreciation party to celebrate its 164th birthday. If you can’t make it today not to worry: it’ll still be there whenever you get around to dropping by —and possibly when your grandchildren come of drinking age too!
-By Gary 17, TorontoMoon.ca
[email protected] * [email protected]
SHOW LISTINGS for Thursday, January 30, 2022
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically. For KEY to listings codes and schemata see note at end of shows list.
Names of subscribers appear in bold, are underlined and, where applicable, include a live link to their websites. FOR SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS VISIT: https://www.torontomoon.ca/subscribe/
Advertisers’ listings are in larger, highlighted type, include live link to website and also have ad icon included in listings. FOR ADVERTISING INFO VISIT: https://www.torontomoon.ca/advertise-with-toronto-moon/
9-10am> “The Bill King Show” with host Bill King & guests Rob McConnell and Emile-Claire Barlow @ CIUT 89.5 FM or online anytime at https://www.mixcloud.com/
Noon-2> Blues on Rock Radio UK with Carolyn Fe
1> “Liquid Lunch” with Hugh Reilly @ www.thatchannel.com ~songwriter interviews & performances
3-7> Julian Taylor hosts @ 106.5 ELMNT FM in Toronto & www.elemntfm.ca ~eclectic music 25% indigenous, 35% CanCon
8> Ken Wallis show with tracks and interviews @ www.bluesandrootsradio.com
9> “The Punk Revolution” spins music & relates to political and environmental issues @ CFRU 93.3 FM Guelph & online ~ Punk/Hard-core.altRock
9-1> Jaymz Bee hosts weekly on JAZZ.FM91and online ~Jazz
10> “Under The Radar” with Stevie Connor @ www.BluesandRootsRadio.com
416 – TORONTO CENTRAL – Broadview/Bayview to Ossington
5:30-9> “Vancestock Unplugged” with Zachary Lucky; Jenie Thai; Ian Janes; Bernadette Connors @ The Cambridge Club, 100 Richmond St. W. ~songwriters; $
6-8> Harpin’ Norm Lucien, Carole Giangrande; David McLachlan; Lesli Gabriel Meze;; Michael Oesch; Nadia High & host Gannon Hamilton for Urban Folk Art Salon @ Toronto Public Library Mount Pleasant Branch, 599 Mount Pleasant Rd. ~songwriters & poets; $?
6> Corin Raymond @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W. ~songwriter
6-8> John Alcorn @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St. ~Jazz; $10-20/pwyc
6-8:30> Freeman Dre @ Drom Taberna, 458 Queen St. W. ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
6:30> Kevin Quain @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~moody Blues; $
6:30-9:30> John T. Davis & Bryant Didier @ Mirto Italian Restaurant, 25 Toronto St. ~Jazz
7> Nelson Sobral @ Hy’s Steakhouse, 365 Bay St. ~smooth Pop/Jazz/Rock
7> Half Moon Run @ Rebel, 11 Polson St. ~contemporary original; $
7> Zoso @ Radio/Adelaide Hall, 250 Adelaide St. W. ~tribute to Led Zeppelin; $
8> Sonic Curators @ Alleycatz, 2409 Yonge St. ~contemporary Rock
*7:30-9:30> Bluegrass Thursdays with Houndstooth @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave.
*7:30-9:30> “The Snow Queen” @ Tranzac Club (Main Hall), 292 Brunswick Ave. ~theatre
8-1> Skule Stagebands Blue and Gold @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave. ~Jazz; $0
8> Toronto Symphony Orchestra @ Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. ~Classical: Dvorak & Mendelssohn; $
*8-12> Joe Bowden’s Nothin’ But The Blues @ N’awlin’s, 299 King St. W. ~Blues
8> The St. Lawrence Quartet with Stephen Prutsman @ Music Toronto/Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. E. ~Jazz
8> Cedar and Pine (recording release for These Four Walls Are Not My Home album); Best Western; Old Guards @ Supermarket, 268 Augusta Ave. ~eclectic indie; $
8> Material Girls; Martian Crisis Unit; La Cop @ Handlebar, 159 Augusta Ave. ~eclectic indie; $15
8-12> Beggars Waltz; Dark Under Cover @ The Cavern Bar, 76 Church St. ~indie; $5
8:30> Cory Wong; Scott Mulvahill @ Phoenix Concert Theatre, 410 Sherbourne St. ~contemporary original; $
8:30> Scott Hardware; Lee Paradise; Soft Matter @ The Boat in Kensington, 158 Augusta Ave. ~songwriters
8:30> Basset; The Pairs; Rebekah Hawker @ Cameron House (rear), 408 Queen St. W. ~songwriters; $
9-12> Malcolm Connor Quartet @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St. ~Jazz; $10-20/pwyc
9> Dijon @ Velvet Underground, 508 Queen St. W. ~contemporary original; $
9> Jessa (Jessica Stuart Few); guests Tara Kannangara; Merival @ B-side Lounge, 669 College St. ~songwriters; $10/pwyc
9> Big Rude Jake @ Drom Taberna, 458 Queen St. W. ~Blues/R&B
9> re.verse @ Poetry Jazz Café, 224 Augusta Ave. ~Hip-Hop/neo-Soul; $
9-11:30> Himmy Ledbetter Trio @ Jazz Bistro, 251 Victoria St. ~Jazz; $
9> The Blue Stones; The Mute Choir @ Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen St. W. ~indie; $
*9-1> Blackburn @ Jo Mamas, 317 King St. W. ~Blues
9:30> Paul DeLong’s One Word @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Jazz; $
9:45> Queen Pepper @ Reservoir Lounge, 52 Wellington St. E. ~Funk/R&B/Soul; $
10> Angie Hilts @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W. ~songwriter
10-2> Jay Sussman @ The Hideout, 423 College St. ~contemporary Rock
10> David Dino White, Emily Steinwall, & Michael McDonnell @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave. ~Jazz
10:30> open jam @ Pauper’s Pub, 539 Bloor St. W. ~acoustic Pop
10:30> Pretzel Logic @ Orbit Room, 480 College St. ~tribute to Steely Dan; $
10> Chester Miller @ Socialite, 276 Augusta Ave. ~Reggae; $5
10> Denis Martel @ Rose & Crown, 2335 Yonge St. ~solo acoustic Pop covers/originals
11> Juicebox Brass Band @ Drom Taberna, 458 Queen St. W.
416 – TORONTO EAST – Broadview/Bayview to Victoria Park
7-9:30> Noah Zacharin @ Relish, 511 Danforth Ave. ~songwriter; 0$
7> Rex Orange County @ The Danforth Music Hall, 147 Danforth Ave. ~contemporary original; $
*7:30-10:30> Linda Carone @ Reid’s Distillery, 32 Logan Ave. ~smooth Pop/Jazz/Rock
*8-10> open mic (signup at 7:30) with Michael Pollard @ The Dock on Queen, 932 Queen St. E.
8> Whiskey Swagger @ Linsmore Tavern, 1298 Danforth Ave. ~ol’ time/traditional Roots/Celtic
8-10> Jazz open stage with Artie Roth & Steve Koven @ Sauce, 1376 Danforth Ave.
8-11> Blues jam with Ken Yoshioka @ Hirut Café, 2050 Danforth Ave.
*8-12> jam with host Russell Williams @ Black Bear Pub, 1125 O’Connor Drive
*8:30-10:30> The Weatherman @ Castro’s, 2116 Queen St. E.
*9-12> open mic/jam @ The Rusty Nail, 2200 Danforth Ave.
*10-2> karaoke with Shane Taylor @ Relish, 511 Danforth Ave.
7-10> PandaBand featuring Paul Smith @ Montgomery’s Inn, 4709 Dundas St. W. ~Rock/Top 40 covers; pwyc
7:30> Girls Girls Girls @ The Rockpile, 5555 Dundas St. W. ~tribute to Motely Crue; $25
7:30> The Heillig Manoeuvre @ Old Mill Inn (Home Smith Bar), 21 Old Mill Rd. ~Jazz; ; $0 (min table charge)
8> Kimberley Wetmore @ Timothy’s Pub, 344 Brown’s Line ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop/Blues
*9-12> open mic with Lisa T.J. O’Shea’s Irish Snug, 3481 Lake Shore Blvd. W.
9:30> Bryan Tyrell @ The Old Sod, 2936 Bloor St. W. ~Pop
*10-2> Skip Tracer @ Southside Johnny’s, 3653 Lakeshore Blvd. ~Rock/Pop
9:30> The James Green Electric @ Black Dog Pub, 87 Island Rd. ~Blues-Rock; $0
416 – TORONTO WEST – Ossington to Etobicoke
6:30> Alex Southey; Pickford; Phillip Vonesh; Wes Fowler; Daniel Fishbayn @ The Painted Lady, 218 Ossington Ave. ~eclectic indie; $
7-9> Dearly Beloved @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave. ~indie; $
10> Lowlife Lolas; Keith Mosfet; Beams @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave. ~eclectic indie; $
7> Austin Bassarath Group @ The Emmet Ray, 924 College St. ~Jazz; pwyc
7-9> open mic @ People’s Pint Brewing, 90 Cawthra Ave. Ave.
7:30> Maurizio Guarini and String Quartet @ Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. ~Classical; $
8> “Winter Indie Fest” with Mercy Flight; High; Arrester @ The Piston, 937 Bloor St. W. ~eclectic indie; $10
8> Moscow Apartment; Bernice; Twist @ Paradise Theatre, 1006 Bloor St. W. ~eclectic indie; $
8> Nicole Lizée and The Australian Art Orchestra @ The Great Hall, 1087 Queen St. W.
8> The 99s @ Drake Hotel Lounge, 1150 Queen St. W. ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop/R&B covers
8> Gen-X @ Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen St. W.
8> Sarah Siddiqui @ Alchemy, 890 College St. ~Jazz; pwyc
8> Andrew Sherriff @ Today/Tonight, 1704 Queen St. W. ~songwriter
8> Lizzie Lyon; Al Rowe~songwriter @ Junction City Music Hall, 2907 Dundas St. W. ~songwriters; $
8:30> Albert Lee @ Hugh’s Room Live, 2261 Dundas St. W. ~original Blues icon; $45
9> Follakzoid; Lammping @ The Garrison, 1197 Dundas St. W. ~contemporary original; $
*9> open jam Wailers Restaurant, 725 St. Clair Ave. W.
*9-12> open mic night with Anthony Abbatangeli @ DeSoto’s, 1079 St. Clair Ave. W.
*9-1:30> open stage with Jay Pennell @ Dave’s On St. Clair, 730 St. Clair West ~eclectic
9> open jam @ L & T Bar, 1068 St. Clair Ave. W., TO West
9> Famous Framus; Betty Bomb @ Shameful Tiki Bar, 1378 Queen St. W. ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
9> Kayla Mahomed Band @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave.
9:30> Han Han (recording release for Urduja album); Charise Aragoza @ Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. ~Worldbeat; $15
9:30> Circadian @ Wenona Craft Beer Lodge, 1069 Bloor St. W. ~Jazz
9:30> Violetta’s Door @ The Emmet Ray, 924 College St. ~Funk/R&B/Soul; $ pwyc
519 EAST -Guelph, K-W & vicinity
5-9> D’eve Archer for 164th anniversary customer appreciation party @ Albion Hotel, 49 Norfolks Rd, Guelph ~acoustic Pop covers/originals
6-9> Mark Willms; Susan Sinclair @ Manhattan’s, 941 Gordon St., Guelph
6-9> BTox @ Sip Club, 91 Wyndham St. N., Guelph ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
6> Sarah McLeod @ Strykerz Kitchen, 120 Ottawa St. N., Kitchener ~acoustic Pop covers/originals
6> Steve Royall @ The Brew House on the Grand, 170 St. David St., Fergus ~smooth Pop/Jazz/Rock
6:30> open mic @ The Village Well, 19 Queen St. E., Cambridge
7-10> Ever-Lovin’ Jug Band; Chris Landry @ The Common Café, 36 Wilson St., Guelph ~ol’ time/traditional Roots; $
7> Kenny Munshaw @ Easy Pour Wine Bar, 1660 Blair Rd., Cambridge
7-9> Jesse Parent & guest Paddy Townsend @ Lana’s Lounge, 220 King St. N., Waterloo ~songwriters
*7> open stage with Paul and Sue @ Commercial Tavern, off Notre Dame Dr. South, Maryhill-Breslau
*7-9> jam nite @ The Edge Wine Bar, 205467 County Rd. 109, Orangeville
7> jam night @ The Garafraxa Café, 131 Garafraxa St. S., Durham
*7:30-12> open mic with K.M. Smith @ Molly Bloom’s Guelph, 91 Wyndham St. N., Guelph
*8-11> open jam with GaS MoNeY @ Red Papaya, 55 Wyndham St. N., Guelph
10> Jonah “Ras Humble” Gregorio @ Sip Club, 91 Wyndham St. N., Guelph ~Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B; $
8> Vertical Squirrels; Anne Bourne; Matt Brubeck @ Silence, 46 Essex St., Guelph
*8-12> open mic with Mike Meacher & Vic Freitas @ Rhythm & Brews Brewing Co., 1000 Bishop St. N., Cambridge
8> Joel Guenther @ Rhapsody Barrel Bar, 179 King St. W., Kitchener
8> The Dynamic Duo @ Rich Uncle Tavern, 45 King St. W., Kitchener ~acoustic Pop covers & original
9:30> Jeff Holdridge @ McCabe’s Irish Pub, 9 Wyndham St. N., Guelph ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
9:30> 8 Second Ride @ The Stampede Ranch, 226 Woodlawn Rd. W., Guelph ~Country
*10-2> Mike Something @ Royal Electric, 52 Macdonell St., Guelph ~acoustic Pop
*10> High Street @ The Duke, 33 Erb St., Waterloo
*1-4> Open stage hosted by Sharon Marie Doughty @ Keene Centre for the Arts, 12 1st St., Keene; $5
5-9> Barry McMullen @ Chemong Lodge, 764 Hunter St., Bridgenorth-Selwyn ~smooth Rock/Pop
7> open mic with Karl @ Barnstormer Brewing, 384 Yonge St., Barrie
7> open mic with Casey Bax @ Pappas Billiards, 407 George St. N., Peterborough
7> Express & Company (recording release for “Pay With Your Life”) @ The Twisted Wheel, 379 Water St., Peterborough ~indie; $0
7> open mic @ Champs Sports Bar, 203 Simcoe St., Peterborough
*7> open mic night @ That Little Pub, 26 Bridge St. W., Campbellford
*7:30> Rob Phillips Jazz/Blues Trio and Marsala Lukianchuk @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough
7:30> Charlotte & The Dirty Cowboys @ Harbour Street Fish Bar, 10 Keith Ave., Collingwood ~Country-Rock; $5
8> Tara Williamson & Cliff Cardinal; The Good Liars; The Skylarks @ The Garnet, 231 Hunter St. W., Peterborough ~eclectic indie; $10/pwyc
*9> JJ Thompson/Tony Silvestri & Greg Caven @ McThirsty’s Pint, 166 Charlotte St., Peterborough
10> open mic with Gerald Vanhalteren @ The Coach & Horses, 16 York St., Lindsay
905 EAST – Pickering-Cobourg
7> Freankie & Joanne @ Cork & Bean, 8 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa ~acoustic Pop covers/originals
7> DownBeat @ The Mill Restaurant, 990 Ontario St., Cobourg ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
7:30-10:30> open mic with Larry Rosen @ The Galley, 227 Brock St., Whitby
*7:30 -11> open mic with host Ryan Lacroix @ Manantler Craft Brewing Co., 182 Wellington St., Bowmanville
*8-11> open mic with Kristen Hare & Roland Duke @ T. Williams Pub, 250 Taunton Rd. E., Oshawa
8> open mic night @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa
*8-11> open mic night @ George & Orange Taproom, 67 Orange St., Cobourg
8:30-12> open jam @ West Shore Bar & Grill, 877 Bayly St., Pickering
8:30> open mic @ Brooklin Pub, 15 Baldwin St., Whitby
9> CODA @ The Edge Lounge, 250 Bayly St. W., Ajax ~tribute to Led Zeppelin
*9-1> open mic with host Matt Silver @ Hardy John’s, 50 Taunton Road E., Oshawa
9> Deuce @ Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa ~acoustic Pop covers & originals duo
*10> open mic with host Will Surphlis @ Fox & The Goose, 799 Park St. S., Oshawa
10> open mic with Dustin Macaulay @ Bittmore Tap & Grill, 1656 Nash Rd., Clarington
*11> jam @ The Players Bench, 1330 Ritson Rd., Oshawa
905 NORTH-EAST – east of Hwy #400
6:30-8> Sol de Cuba @ London Pub, 9724 Yonge St., Richmond Hill ~Latin
6:30-9:30> Darren Bailey @ Local No90, 90 Mill St. N., Port Hope
*7-10> Dino Stakos @ Father’s Moustache Grill, 15570 Yonge St., Aurora ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
7> Geoff Holt @ The Second Wedge Brewing Co., 14 Victoria St. N., Uxbridge
*8-12> open mic/jam with host Paul Burdon & Frank Jeffrey @ Ten Gallon Bar, 446 Davis Drive, Newmarket
*8> open mic with host Kevin Kerr @ The Duchess of Markham, 53 Main St. N., Markham
8> Classic Albums Live performs Let It Be @ Flato Markham Theatre, 171 N. Town Centre Blvd., Markham ~tribute to Beatles; $
*8-11> Jam with Jayme Lynn Reed @ Offsides Sports Bar, 200 Simcoe Ave., Keswick
9:15> open mic with Bodan Mulholland @ Wixan’s Bridge, 65 Brock St. W., Uxbridge
905 NORTH-WEST – west of Hwy #400
6:30-9:30> Mickey Doyle @ Rimssie’s Gusto Bar, 15393 Airport Rd., Caledon East ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
7-11> Randy Lynch & Gio Amadei @ Rejeanne’s, 700 Balmoral Drive, Brampton ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
7-11> jam night @ Spot 1, 289 Rutherford Rd. S., Brampton
7> Memphis and Cafcae @ Uncorked On Main, 72 Main St. S., Georgetown ~acoustic Pop covers/originals duo
*7:30-11:30> jam with house band @ 52nd St. Tap & Grill, 30 Kennedy Rd., S., Brampton
8> Meghan Patrick @ Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton ~contemporary original; $
8> jam with Linda Nusca Albertyn @ Sammy’s Grill, 15 Allan Drive, Bolton
*8-11:30> open jam with hosts Ramblin’ Soul @ Stratengers Casual Dining, 212 Queen St. S., Bolton
*10:30> jam with Gary White & Friends @ Bryden’s, 270 Main St. E., Milton
905 SOUTH –Hamilton & vicinity
5:30> The Ending To This Story @ The Powerhouse, 21 Jones St., Stoney Creek ~songwriter
5:30> Tyler Wilson @ Southcote 53, 53 Southcote Road, Ancaster ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
6:30> Tyler Yarema @ Mississippi Queen Foods, 635 King St. E., Hamilton ~Blues/R&B; $45 (includes dinner)
6:30> Garrett Vandenberg Band @ Shawn & Ed Brewing Company, 65 Hall St., Dundas ~Pop/Jazz/Rock; $0
7-11> open mic with host Rob Kirkham @ Tracie’s Place, 592 Upper James St., Hamilton
7> open mic with David Tabone @ Vicar’s Vice, 2251 Rymal Rd. E., Hamilton
*7:30> open mic @ Station 1 Coffee House, 28 Main St. E., Grimsby
8> Midge Ure with Basil Donovan @ Casbah Lounge, 306 King St. W., Hamilton ~contemporary original; $
*8-10> Josh Coulter @ Judge and Jester, 17 Main St. E., Grimsby
8:30-11:30> Judy Rideout & The X-Husbands @ Masque Wine Bar, 13 Hess St. S., Hamilton ~original Blues; $
8:30> Chris Chambers @ Lou Dawg’s Hamilton, 116 George St., Hamilton ~songwriter
9> open jam with Tim Ninehouse and Mr. Jay @ George Hamilton Restaurant, 152 King St. W., Hamilton
*9> open mic night with rotating hosts @ Coach & Lantern, 384 Wilson St E., Ancaster
9:30> Shari & Jonny @ Cat N Fiddle Hamilton, 174 John St., S., Hamilton ~acoustic Pop covers/originals
10> Johnny Ancient; Angelo Bellavia @ The Pheasant Plucker, 20 Augusta St., Hamilton ~Rock covers & originals
905 WEST –south Peel & Halton
6:30> Kent MacMillan @ Bronte Sports Kitchen, 2544 Speers Rd., Oakville
6:30> Rob Reed @ Cucci Ristorante, 119 Jones St., Bronte
*6:30> Bluegrass jam @ RCL #551 Waterdown, 79 Hamilton St. N., Waterdown
*7-11:30> Pink Leather Jackets @ Shore Grill, 71 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit-Mississauga ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
7> Frank Frankstofferson; Elyza Hyde; Kevin Carroll @ Common Ground Café, 157 Lakeshore Rd. W., Port Credit-Mississauga ~songwriters
7-10> James Anthony with guest Neil Chapman @ Uptown Social House, 1900 Walkers Line, Burlington ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
7> Chris Ayries @ Max Resto Lounge, 2180 Itabashi Way, Burlington ~smooth Pop/Jazz/Rock
7:30> Luke McMaster @ Living Arts Center, 4141 Living Arts. Dr., Mississauga ~Blues/Soul; $
8> open mic with host Good Foundations @ The Old Stable, 114 Lakeshore Rd. W., Port Credit-Mississauga
*8> acoustic open mic jam @ Black Swan Burlington, 4040 Palladium Way, Burlington
*8-12> jam hosted by The Personics @ Carrigan Arms, 2025 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington
9> Stressed Out Charlee @ Cities Sports Bar, 5835 Dixie Rd., Mississauga ~acoustic Pop covers/originals
9> Matt Zaddy & Friends @ Moonshine Café, 137 Kerr St. Oakville ~songwriters; $
9:30> Chris Partland @ Cuchulainn’s Irish Pub, 158 Queen St. S., Streetsville-Mississauga ~Pop Rock
*10:30> Hip Hop open mic @ Less Than Level, 381 Kerr St., Oakville
Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Events preceded by question mark (?) usually take place but have not been confirmed. Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchasers (eg. seniors, students, members, etc.) /+ indicates stated price is minimum.
Copyright © 2020 by Gary “17” Webb-Proctor & TorontoMoon.ca. All Rights Reserved