Opening Act by Gary 17, to-nite #24, May 16, 2022 “The Politics of Celebration”

From the very, very deep archives, one of my earliest “Opening Act” columns when the publication, then known as to-nite, had just turned two years old and was starting to hit its stride back in the spring of 1994.

(Normally posts in the Vault sections of the website are blocked to non-subscribers, but I want to give you a taste of some of the items that reside here and are being gradually added, to which subscribers have full access.)

This column is, I believe, my first iteration in print of my concept of “Upwing Politics”, which still informs my views today. So it also seems appropriate to for it to resurface as the politicking for the Toronto City Council elections starts to heat up.

Opening Act by Gary 17 May 16, 1994, to-nite

Opening Act by Gary 17
May 16, 1994, to-nite