And so not just another year but another decade rips off the calendar, exposing another empty slate waiting to be filled. For me I’ll always think of the past ten years as “The Troubled Teens” as it seems our society has become more and more to be populated by people with a chip on their shoulder, a mote in their eye and a stone in their shoe —all at the same time! And of course we lost so many good people, a trend that will only accelerate and which is disturbing not just for the loss but for the fact that it seems pretty doubtful that their likes will pass this way again —we’re just not producing as many wonderful, incredible people today, perhaps in part because so many intelligent people have declined to reproduce given the state of the world. Ah well, forward we go.
As usual on special event nights such as New Year’s Eve, we struggle to ensure the listings are accurate. I’ve deleted all the regular weekly Tuesday shows except where I have a source indicating that they are happening —of which there are only a very few. A surprising number of clubs that normally have live music on weekends or more often decide to close on New Year’s Eve; I suppose to them, like to me, it’s “amateur hour” night on which a lot of people who hardly ever drink go nuts and get loaded —and stupid. And with costs of everything traditionally greatly inflated for this annual event (though in recent years that’s been less and the less the case than was so with the excesses of the ‘90s) perhaps it’s not really work the trouble.
I’ve tried to include accurate start times and cover charges (though many clubs and promoters regularly say things start earlier than they do) as well as relevant info where there is food, etc., involved. As for party favours and champagne or substitute toast at midnight, you can pretty much count on that being offered whenever you see the phrase “New Year’s Eve party” in a listing.
Hopefully if you’re going out you’ve arranged for safe transportation, because I want to see all my readers healthy and happy and ready to enjoy what I predict will come to be known as The Whoring Twenties (better that than The Warring Twenties, I suppose) beginning at the stroke of midnight. Enjoy, but stay safe!
-By Gary 17,
[email protected] * [email protected]
SHOW LISTINGS for Tuesday, December 31, 2021
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically. For KEY to listings codes and schemata see note at end of shows list.
Names of subscribers appear in bold, are underlined and, where applicable, include a live link to their websites.
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Advertisers’ listings are in larger, highlighted type, include live link to website and also have ad icon included in listings. FOR ADVERTISING INFO VISIT:
416 – TORONTO CENTRAL –Broadview/Bayview to Ossington
6-3> New Year’s Eve party with Viper’s Cloud; Big Smoke Brass; Moskitto Bar @ Drom Taberna, 458 Queen St. W. ~eclectic indie/Worldbeat; $30
6:30> Tyler Yarema & Janice Hagen for New Year’s Eve party @ Reservoir Lounge, 52 Wellington St. E. ~Jazz/Blues; $
7> Grooveyard for New Year’s Eve party @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Funk/R&B/Soul; $
7> Jully Blak, The St Royals and Fly Lady D for New Year’s Eve party @ Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park
7> Opera Canada Symphony & Chorus@ Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. ~Opera; $
7> Jeremy and Jenn for New Year’s Eve party @ Miller Tavern, 3885 Yonge St. ~acoustic Pop covers & originals; $
7:30> New Year’s Eve party with Exciter; Warsenal; Survival Instinct; Twilight Hammer @ Hard Luck Bar, 772 Dundas St. W. ~Metal/Punk/Hard-core; $
7:30> Sue & Dwight Band’s Folk music singalong @ Free Times Café, 320 College St. ~Roots; $110 (includes food, toast etc.)
8> The Anti-Queens; The Flatliners; Little Junior @ Lee’s Palace, 529 Bloor St. W. ~contemporary original; $
*8:30-12:30> Stacie McGregor @ N’awlins, 299 King St. W. ~smooth Pop/Jazz/Rock
9> Atomic Hustle for New Year’s Eve party @ Drums N Flats, 1980 Avenue Rd. ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $20
9> New Year’s Eve party with SoulSkank Sound Crew (upstairs); Middle School Dance Band (downstairs) @ Rivoli, 334 Queen St. W. ~$
9> New Year’s Eve party with various acts + fireworks @ Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen St. W. ~variety; $0
9-11:30> Coldjack for New Year’s Eve party @ Jazz Bistro, 251 Victoria St. ~Jazz; $
9> The Sadies 20th New Year’s Eve party; guests The Minus 5 @ Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen St. W. ~original Country/alt-Country; $
9> New Year’s Eve party with The Mahones; The Filty Radicals; Killroy A.D. @ Bovine Sex Club, 542 Queen St. W. ~Punk/Thrash; $
9-2> New Year’s Eve party with Devin Cuddy Band; Ferraro; more @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W. ~contemporary original; $25
9> Moonwalks and The Crowleys for New Year’s Eve party @ Nightowl, 647 College St.
9:30-2> Caution Jam for New Year’s Eve party @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave. ~tribute to Grateful Dead; $?
9:30> Hot Garbage, Mother Tongues, Myst Milano, Rapport, Char Aragoza for New Year’s Eve party @ Tranzac Club (Main Hall), 292 Brunswick Ave.
9:30> Blond Ambition for New Year’s Eve party @ Alleycatz, 2409 Yonge St. ~Funk/Soul/R&B; $25 or $70 (includes food, toast etc.)
10> Celler Door for New Year’s Eve party @ The Antler Room, 146 Front St. W. ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $0
10> Jordan John Band @ Orbit Room, 580 College St. ~Blues/Soul; $
10> Nico Henderson and Luckash Chabursky for New Year’s Eve party @ Hemingway’s, 142 Cumberland St.; $0
10> New Year’s Eve party with Candice Sand Trio @ Fox On John, 106 John St. ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
10> Gabby Grice & Friends for New Year’s Eve party @ Amsterdam Bicycle Club, 54 The Esplanade
416 – TORONTO EAST –Broadview/Bayview to Victoria Park
7-9> Rory Cummings Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Relish, 511 Danforth Ave. ~Country Pop originals & covers; $0
7-9:30> Conor O’Brien for Irish New Year’s Eve party @ Dora Keogh, 141 Danforth Ave.; $0
8> Fam Jam for New Year’s Eve party @ The Cut/Big Bruce, 1963 Queen St. E.
8:30> Riff Raff for New Year’s Eve party @ Linsmore Tavern, 1298 Danforth Ave. ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Hard Rock; $15 (includes food, toast etc.)
8:30> Michael Pollard Trio @ Reid’s Distillery, 32 Logan Ave. ~Jazz
9-11> Fat Heat Hazel for New Year’s Eve party @ Old Nick Pub, 123 Danforth Ave. ~indie; $?
9> Dwayne Gretsky for New Year’s Eve party @ The Danforth Music Hall, 147 Danforth Ave. ~contemporary original; $
9-2> Trainwreck for New Year’s Eve party @ The Eton Tavern, 710 Danforth Ave. ~Rock/Pop; $25
9-12> Yukon Cigar @ Castro’s, 2116 Queen St. E.
9:30-11:30> David Macmichael & The Tall Boys for New Year’s Eve party @ Relish, 511 Danforth Ave. ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop covers & originals; $0
9:30> Cameo Blues Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Black Swan Tavern, 154 Danforth Ave. ~Blues/R&B; $
9:30> Lucas Stagg Trio for New Year’s Eve party @ Dora Keogh, 141 Danforth Ave. ~Roots-Rock; $0
9:30> Black Bear All-Stars for New Year’s Eve party @ The Black Bear Pub, 1125 O’Connor Drive
9:30> Freedom Express for New Year’s Eve party @ The Duke Live, 1225 Queen St. E. ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $
6-12:30> Little Peter and the Elegants for New Year’s Eve party @ RC Legion Br. 643, 110 Jutland Rd. ~50s/60s Rock ‘n’ Roll; $ (includes food, toast etc.) SOLD OUT!
7:30> June Garber and her All-Star Party-On Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Old Mill Inn (Home Smith Bar), 21 Old Mill Rd. ~Jazz; $
8-2> Ragwax featuring Abbey Sholzberg on bass for New Year’s Eve party @ St. James Gate Etobicoke, 5140 Dundas St. W. ~Blues/R&B
8> Jerry Stiff Duo for New Year’s Eve party @ Fionn MacCool’s Islington/Quality Hotel, 2180 Islington Ave. ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9> Midnight Jewel for New Year’s Eve party @ The Squire and Firkin, 3335 Bloor St. West ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $?
7> Twisters for New Year’s Eve party @ Stone Cottage Pub, 3750 Kingston Rd. ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $
9:30> Copy Machine for New Year’s Eve party @ Smiling Jack’s, 3482 Lawrence Ave. E. ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
416 – TORONTO WEST –Ossington to Etobicoke
6/8:30 (2 sittings)> New Year’s Eve party @ Alchemy, 890 College St.; $50 (includes food, toast, ticket for 9pm band etc.)
9> Havana Ventu for New Year’s Eve party @ Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. ~Latin/Salsa
9> Moonwalks; The Crowleys for New Year’s Eve party @ The Piston, 937 Bloor St. W. ~indie; $
9> Kilowatt Band for New Year’s Eve party @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave. ~Funk/R&B/Soul
9> Mr. Money & The Sticky Ickies for New Year’s Eve party @ Axis Gallery & Grill, 3048 Dundas St. W.
9:30> Oakland Stroke for New Year’s Eve party @ Hugh’s Room Live, 2261 Dundas St. W. ~tribute to Tower Of Power; $60
10> Amanda J for New Year’s Eve party & masquerade @ The Baby G, 1608 Dundas St. W. ~contemporary original; $
10> CATL for New Year’s Eve party with guests All Seeing Eyes featuring Johnny Walker of the Soledad Brothers @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave. ~eclectic indie; $
10> Horshack for New Year’s Eve party @ Alpine Lounge, 2872 Dundas St. W. ~Blues-Rock; $30
11> West End Stompers for New Year’s Eve party @ Alchemy, 890 College St.; $15
11:30> By Request Band for New Year’s Eve party @ T.O. Lounge, 1384 Queen St. W. ~live karaoke band
519 EAST –Guelph, K-W & vicinity
6> The Dirty Tricks @ Sip Club, 91 Wyndham St. N., Guelph
8> Marley Hill for New Year’s Eve party @ Schwaben Club, 1668 King St., E., Kitchener
8-1> New Year’s Eve party with Paul Taylor; Joni Nehrita @ Manhattan’s, 951 Gordon St., Guelph ~smooth Pop/Jazz/Rock
8> The Raven Lunatics for New Year’s Eve party @ Red Chevron Club, 34 Elizabeth St., Guelph
8> The Lulu’s Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Bingemans, 425 Bingemans Centre Drive, Kitchener ~Blues-Rock~Rockabilly; $
8:30> D’eve Archer & Dave Huber for New Year’s Eve party @ The Wooly Pub, 176 Woolwich St., Guelph ~acoustic Pop covers & originals; $0
8:30> The Jitterbugs @ The Jazz Room, 59 King St. N., Waterloo ~Jazz; $45
8:30> Organized Chaos for New Year’s Eve party @ Fionn MacCool’s Orangeville, 75 Fourth Ave., Orangeville ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $
9> The Crew for New Year’s Eve party @ Tavern on Grange, 259 Grange Rd., Guelph ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
9> Hwy 24 for New Year’s Eve party @ RCL (Royal Canadian Legion) #272 Hespeler, 26 Schofield St., Cambridge ~Rockabilly
9> Romeo Sex Fighter for New Year’s Eve party @ Rhapsody Bar, 179 King St. W., Kitchener
9> Campfire Poets for New Year’s Eve party @ Busholme Inn, 156 Main St. (Hwy 24), Erin ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $30
9> Itchy & Scratchy for New Year’s Eve party @ Black Wolf Smokehouse, 139 Broadway Ave., Orangeville
9:30> Mackenzie Meyer Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Stampede Ranch, 226 Woodlawn Rd. W., Guelph ~Country
9:30> The Jamesons for New Year’s Eve party @ McCabe’s Irish Pub, 9 Wyndham St. N., Guelph ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
9:30> Mario Speedwagon for New Year’s Eve party @ eBar, 41 Quebec St., Guelph ~indie; $20
9:30> Tony D for New Year’s Eve party @ Symposium Cambridge, 400 Can-Amera Parkway, Cambridge ~acoustic Pop covers & originals; $35 (includes food, toast etc.)
10> Uptown Sound for New Year’s Eve party @ Bobby O’Brien’s Kitchener, 125 King St. W., Kitchener
5> Fred Hot Chili Penner (Brandon Humphrey, Dylan Ireland, Hillary Dumoulin, Rob Foreman, Tony Silvestri) for New Year’s Eve party @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough
6-10> Brothur @ Kelly’s Kitchen, 34 Victoria St., Alliston ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
6> U Jimmy for New Year’s Eve party @ The Cow & Sow, 38 Colborne St., Fenelon Falls; $10
7> The Trews; Craig Cardiff; more @ Barrie City Hall, 70 Collier St., Barrie ~contemporary original; $0
7> New Year’s Eve Party ft Fred Stillman and Keene Country Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Wild Blue Yonder Pub at Elmhirst Resort, 1045 Settlers Line, Keene; $75 (includes food, toast etc.)
7> New Year’s Eve Dinner Party ft folk music by Shane Eyers & Maylen w/ gourmet dinner by Natalie McNeil @ Keene Centre for The Arts, 12 1st St., Keene; $10
8> Doug Horner for New Year’s Eve party @ Publican House, 300 Charlotte St., Peterborough
8> High Waters Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Puck’ N Pint, 871 Chemong Rd., Peterborough
8> New Year’s Eve Party ft. Ace & The Kid @ Canoe & Paddle, 18 Bridge St. N., Lakefield ; $90 (includes food, dinner drink, toast etc.)
8> New Year’s Eve w/ Cindy & Scott @ McGillicafey’s Pub, 13 Bridge St. N., Hastings; $15
8:30> Noisy River Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Potato Factory, 61 Hurontario St., Collingwood ~Rockabilly; $45
9> Shades of Jayne for New Year’s Eve party @ Wickies, 274 Burton Ave., Barrie ~indie; $
9> New Year’s Eve party with Overcrook; Bigfoot Portal Crisis (recording release for album); Some Doubt @ Foxx Lounge, 16 Dunlop St. W., Barrie ~eclectic indie; $10
9> The Mystics; All My Life; Absolutely You for New Year’s Eve party @ Play, 600-55 Cedar Points Dr., Barrie
9> Maxwell McWilliams for New Year’s Eve party @ Sticks Sports Pub, 500 George St. S., Peterborough
9> Open mic night @ Red Dog Tavern, 189 Hunter St. W., Peterborough
9> The Starry Night New Year’s Eve 2020 ft Death By Art School, All Girl Band, Belly Flop, Mary-Kate Edwards, Dixie Que @ Gordon Best Theatre, 216 Hunter St. W., Peterborough; $5
9> Jerome Tucker Band for New Year’s Eve party @ The Huron Club, 94 Pine St., Collingwood ~Blues/R&B
10> The Straits for New Year’s Eve party @ Donaleigh’s Irish Public House, 28 Dunlop St. E., Barrie ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
10> Big Shiny 90s for New Year’s Eve party @ British Arms Pub, 29 Dunlop St. E., Barrie ~90sPop covers
905 EAST –Pickering to Cobourg
5> New Year’s Eve w/ Hailiah & Friends @ Ganarascals, 53 Walton St., Port Hope; $10
7> Fire When Ready for New Year’s Eve party @ Fionn MacCool’s Ajax, 36 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $0
7> Sydney Mae till 9; The Spitfire Kings for New Year’s Eve party @ The Edge Lounge, 250 Bayly St. W., Ajax ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $50 (includes food, toast etc.)
7-1> Too Drunk To Fish Band for New Year’s Eve party @ RCL (Royal Canadian Legion) #322, 112 Hunt St., Ajax ~Country; $80 (includes food, toast etc.)
7-9> Rob Phillips @ Arthur’s Pub, 930 Burnham St., Cobourg ~Blues/Jazz
8> Red Velvet Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Drums N Flats Ajax, 60 Randall Drive, Ajax ~Rock/Top 40 covers
8> Sven Gali; I Mother Earth @ The Music Hall Concert Theatre Oshawa, 39 King St. E., Oshawa ~contemporary original; $
8> The Fog for New Year’s Eve party @ Hardy John’s, 50 Taunton Road E., Oshawa ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $50 (includes food, toast etc.)
9> Moving Violations for New Year’s Eve party @ Harp & Crown, 300 Kingston Rd., Pickering ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $10
9> Emily Claire for New Year’s Eve party @ The Galley, 227 Brock St., Whitby ~smooth Pop/Jazz/Rock
9-2> Hodgey Stone for New Year’s Eve party @ Gryphon Pub, 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby
9> Daybreak for New Year’s Eve party @ Tap & Tankard, 224 Brock St. S., Whitby ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9> Something Extra for New Year’s Eve party @ The Players Bench, 1330 Ritson Rd., Oshawa ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $0
9> Baz Littlerock Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Whisky John’s, 540 King St. W., Oshawa ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $10
9> Those Guys for New Year’s Eve party @ Legend of Fazio’s, 33 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
9> Brad James Band for New Year’s Eve party @ The Corral, 433 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa ~Country; $25 (includes food, toast etc.)
9> Zaftig; Weapons; Bush for New Year’s Eve party @ The Atria, 59 King St. E., Oshawa ~Metal/Punk/Hard-core; $
9-1> The Lincolnaires for New Year’s Eve party @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa; $30 (includes food, toast etc.)
9> Riki Knox for New Year’s Eve party @ Colonel Mustard’s Port Perry, 15 Water St., Port Perry
9:30> Reckless for New Year’s Eve party @ Shamrock’s Pub, 1100 Dundas St. E., Whitby ~classic Rock
9:30> Samurai Fly for New Year’s Eve party @ Charlie Ronick’s Pub, 3050 Garden St., Whitby
9:30> The Knuckle Babies for New Year’s Eve party @ The Pearson Pub, 101 Mary St. W., Whitby ~classic Rock
9:30> Joker for New Year’s Eve party @ Frosty Johns Pub, 100 Mearns Ave. #7, Bowmanville
905 NORTH-EAST –east of Hwy #400
5-9> Darcy Windover @ Fionn MacCool’s Newmarket, 17315 Leslie St., Newmarket ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
8-11> Jeff Saulnier & Manny DeGrandis for New Year’s Eve party @ Market Brewing Company, 17775 Leslie St., Newmarket ~Rock/Top 40 covers
8:30-12:30> New Year’s Eve party acoustic open mic with backline hosted by Steffi Postol Goodfield @ Turtle Jack’s Richmond Hill, 10 Vogell Rd., Richmond Hill; $0
9> Downtown Markham New Year’s Eve party with Kiana Persad; Mad Madame Mim; fireworks @ Origins Square Markham, 179 Enterprise Blvd., Markham ~variety; $0
9> Dino & The Dogs for New Year’s Eve party @ Father’s Moustache Grill, 15570 Yonge St., Aurora ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9> Bootlegged for New Year’s Eve party @ Colonel Mustard’s Newmarket, 16925 Yonge St., Newmarket ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $0
9> The Staff Band for New Year’s Eve party @ New Grey Goat, 74 Main St., Newmarket ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $20 (includes food, toast etc.)
9> New Year’s Eve open mic jam with hosts Bodan and Dave Mordal @ Wixan’s Bridge, 65 Brock St. W., Uxbridge; $0
9:30> C. Alice and the Side Effectgs for New Year’s Eve party @ Aurora Artisan Centre, 15171 Yonge St., Aurora
10> Lighthouse @ Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, 10268 Yonge St., Richmond Hill ~iconic CanRock; $
905 NORTH-WEST –west of Hwy #400
6-1:30> Your New Neighbors for New Year’s Eve party @ RCL (Royal Canadian Legion) Brampton Branch #609, 1133 Queen St. E., Brampton ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $
6:30-12:30> Magic!; Wing Night The Band; more + fireworks for New Year’s Eve party @ Garden Square Brampton, 12 Main St. N. Brampton ~variety; $0
9> Brave and Crazy for New Year’s Eve party @ Spot 1, 289 Rutherford Rd. S., Brampton ~retro Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop fem power trio; $30
9> The Tone Dogs for New Year’s Eve party @ Copper Kettle Georgetown, 517 Main St., Georgetown ~contemporary Rock
9:30> The Hit Disturbers for New Year’s Eve party @ Hunt Pub, 12998 Keele St., King City ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
9:30> Kimberley Wetmore Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Jake’s Boathouse Brampton, 59 First Gulf Rd., Brampton ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $30
10-1> Wicked Truth for New Year’s Eve party @ Oscar’s Roadhouse, 1785 Queen St. E., Brampton ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $
905 SOUTH –Hamilton & vicinity
7-1:30> Steve Oros 7-9; Disco Rebels for New Year’s Eve party & masquerade ball @ Stonewalls Hamilton, 339 York Blvd., Hamilton ~Rock/Top 40 covers
7> Funkaus for New Year’s Eve party @ Corktown Pub, 175 Young St., Hamilton ~Funk/R&B/Soul
8> Jack de Keyzer for New Year’s Eve party @ Leander Boat Club, 50 Leander Drive, Hamilton ~original Blues; $30
8> Gag Order; Artificial Dissemination; The Letdowns for New Year’s Eve party @ This Ain’t Hollywood, 345 James St. N., Hamilton ~contemporary original; $
9> Pardi Gras for New Year’s Eve party @ Vicar’s Vice, 2251 Rymal Rd. E., Stoney Creek-Hamilton ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $75 (includes food, tax, tip & toast etc.)
9> Doppleganger for New Year’s Eve party @ Ye Old Squire Hamilton, 550 Fennel Ave. E., Hamilton
9> Freedom Train for New Year’s Eve party @ Hamilton Convention Centre, 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $
9:30> Russian Kurfew for New Year’s Eve party @ Pub Fiction, 1242 Garner Rd. W., Ancaster ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $10
10> Echo Echo for New Year’s Eve party @ Augusta House, 17 Augusta St., Hamilton ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $0
905 WEST –south Peel, Halton
7> The Doubts for Roaring 20s theme New Year’s Eve party @ Failte, 201 City Centre Dr., Mississauga ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $
7> Strummers Union for New Year’s Eve party @ Black Bull Burlington, 1124 Guelph Line, Burlington
7 & 9:30> Chris Ayries @ Max Resto Lounge, 2180 Itabashi Way, Burlington ~smooth Rock/Pop
8> Legends Band for New Year’s Eve party @ Jester’s Gastropub, 1107 Lorne Park Rd., Mississauga ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
8> Bone-Yard for New Year’s Eve party @ Carrigan Arms, 2025 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington ~Rock/Top 40 covers
8> Anthony Tullo for New Year’s Eve party @ The Stout Monk, 478 Dundas St. W., Oakville
9> Ryan Andrews for New Year’s Eve party @ Clarkson Pump, 1744 Lakeshore Rd. W., Port Credit-Mississauga ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
9> Denis Martel for New Year’s Eve party @ Pump House Grill, 40 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit-Mississauga ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
9> Jammers Waffle House for New Year’s Eve party @ Lionheart Pub, 3221 Derry Rd. W., Mississauga ~ Pop Rock covers & originals; $?
9> Selena Jasmine; Jazz Cartier; Lu Kala; Shopé; more for New Year’s Eve party @ Mississauga Celebration Square, 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga ~variety; $0
9> Midriff for New Year’s Eve party @ Bronte Sports Kitchen, 2544 Speers Rd., Oakville ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop; $0 (includes food, toast etc.)
9> Ugly Dog for New Year’s Eve party @ Black Swan Pub Burlington, 4040 Palladium Way, Burlington ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
9:30> Kat House featuring Kathleen Lovett for New Year’s Eve party @ Cuchulainn’s Irish Pub, 158 Queen St. S., Streetsville-Mississauga ~Rock/R&B/Top 40 covers; $20
9:30-12:30> David Love Band also featuring Darrell McNeill for New Year’s Eve party @ The Slye Fox, 4057 New St., Burlington ~60s Rock/Top 40 covers; $
9:30> Kenny V for New Year’s Eve party @ Shore Grill, 71 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit-Mississauga ~Rock/Top 40 covers/Top 40
9:30> Get Tuned for New Year’s Eve party @ Drake and Firkin, 6982 Financial Drive, Mississauga ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
9:30> No Idea Band for New Year’s Eve party @ 5 West Brewpub, 3600 Dundas Street, Burlington ~Rock/Top 40 covers
10> Say Uncle for New Year’s Eve party @ The Dickens, 423 Elizabeth St., Burlington ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $0
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically. Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Events preceded by question mark (?) usually take place but have not been confirmed. Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchasers (eg.: seniors, students, members, kids, etc). /+ indicates stated price is minimum.
Copyright © 2019 by Gary “17” Webb-Proctor & All Rights Reserved