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Scarborough pizza joint lets Ratz run free –and nobody minds!
Everyone who’s been there knows that Centro Pizza, at 3406 Kingston Rd. a little west of its junction with Eglinton Ave. in the Guildwood Park area of Scarborough, isn’t what you’d call a fancy restaurant. But do they realize the place, which serves a wide variety of delicious pizzas at very affordable prices and beers at ridiculously affordable ($2.50 a bottle) prices allows Ratz to run free?
Chances are that those who go by the very casual but also welcoming room (which is also supplemented by a largish fenced-off patio off to the side of the parking lot) tonight not only know that Ratz are welcome –they’re looking forward to seeing them there!
That’s because the Ratz in question are the Plaza Ratz, a good-times Rock ‘n’ Roll band fronted by take-no-prisoners singer Kevin Huckell and these days also featuring classy yet earthy keyboardist Julie Long.
I haven’t seen the band for just over a year now, when I caught them at another Scarborough watering hole and before they co-opted Julie into the fold, but I have to believe that the group has only gotten better in the intervening months.
I won’t say that “King Rat” Kevin is the best singer I’ve ever heard, but I will say that he’s one of the most passionate and that while he may be slightly off key on some tunes, the ones on which he lights up the board more than make up for it.
His signature number, Thorogood’s “You Talk Too Much”, for example, never fails to get the crowd roaring along with him. And, as I told you previously, his take on Goddo’s “Young Girls” is a defining zenith that will make you glad you came out to see the show. Another highlight is his “been there, lived that” version of “I Wanna Be Sedated” by The Ramones.
The act seems to have been working well enough at Centro, since this is at least the third time the band has appeared there and the two times I visited within the past few weeks the walls still sported the posters from their last gig.
The room isn’t fancy —apparently no one who works there has ever heard of what they call stage lights— but the vibe is throbbing and appreciation of the music by patrons is genuine. Service is amiable and you get the sense that no one goes in here who’s pretending to be anything except exactly what are.
The show starts around 8 and while it’s scheduled to end at 12 don’t be surprised if it goes later (as is the norm in a party-hearty area such as Scarborough). There’s no cover and with the prices they charge for drinks even those on a budget can afford to have a good time, order a large pizza and maybe even buy your favourite band member a brew.
-Gary 17, www.torontomoon.ca
Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchases. /+ indicates stated price is minimum.
Names of subscribers appear in bold, are underlined and, where applicable, include a live link to their websites. Advertisers’ listings are in larger type, include live link to website and also have ad icon included in listings.
*3-7> acoustic jam with John Hutt @ Lola, 40 Kensington Ave., TO
*4-6> Hogtown Syncopators @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz
*5-8> Kensington Kitchen Party with host Kevin Jollimore of Sin City Boys & guest musicians @ Graffiti’s, 170 Baldwin St., TO ~Pop Rock with heart
*5-7> open mic with The Foolish Things @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO ~original Pop
*5-7> Ronnie Hayward Trio @ Castro’s, 2116 Queen St. E.. TO E. ~Blues/Roots
5-8> Sam Broverman feat. Peter Hill on piano @ Gate 403, 403 Roncesvalles Ave., TO West ~
5:30> Rick & Gailie @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough
6> Dani Nash @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W., TO
6:30> Sara Dell @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz
7-9> Danny Oliver & Nich Faye @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave., TO West
7> Beaches International Jazz Festival launch party with many acts on 3 stages @ Woodbine Park, Eastern Ave. @ Coxwell, TO East
7:30> Dust: The Quietest Big Band in the Known World @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO
8-12> The Plaza Ratz featuring Kevin Huckell @ Centro Pizza, 3406 Kingston Rd., Scarborough ~classic Rock
8> Patrick Brealey @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen Street West, TO
*8-1> karaoke @ RCL #312, 112 Hunt St., Ajax
8> Iain Leslie Band & Friends @ Moonshine Café, 137 Kerr St., Oakville ~Funk; $10
8:30> Mark Martyre @ Free Times Café, 320 College St., TO ~songwriter
8:30> Duane Andrews & Craig Young @ Hugh’s Room, 2261 Dundas St. W., TO West ~Jazz; $20/-
9> Big Silver Blues Band @ Linsmore Tavern, 1298 Danforth Ave., TO East ~Blues; $10
9-1> The David Love Band feat. Darrell McNeill @ Legends On The Queensway, 1184 The Queensway, Etobicoke South ~60s Pop Rock
9> Erica Werry & The Alphabet @ C’est What, 67 Front St. E., TO ~Roots; pwyc
9-1> Fraser Melvin Blues Band @ Gate 403, 403 Roncesvalles Ave., TO West ~Blues
9> The Woodshed Orchestra @ Dora Keogh, 141 Danforth Ave., TO East ~Roots/Country
9-1> Bad To The Bone @ Monarchs Pub in Eaton Chelsea Hotel, 33 Gerrard St. W., TO ~classic Rock
9> One King @ Blue Goose Tavern, 1 Blue Goose Rd., Etobicoke South
**9-1> Acoustic Affect with Alexander Quail, Carter Benkhe & guest Johnny & Fun Cam @ Lake Affect, 1 Port St., Port Credit
9-1> Terry B Trio @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St., Oshawa
9> Highway 12 @ The Corral, 433 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa ~Country
9-1> Subterraneans Rock @ Oscar’s Roadhouse, 1785 Queen St. E., Bramp. ~Top 40/Rock
*9:30> David Macmichael & Chris Mills @ Relish, 2152 Danforth Ave., TO East ~alt Pop originals and covers
9:30> Tommy Rocker’s Classic Rock Show @ Fox & Crown, 646 Danforth Rd., Scarborough ~classic Rock
9:30> Rockin’ A Hardplace feat. James Alcock @ The Loaded Dog, 1921 Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough ~classic Rock
9:30> Dunn feat. Dee Daffern @ Puddy’s, 36 Wright St., St. Catharines ~Rock/Top 40
9:30> Roots ‘n Branches @ Axis Gallery & Grill, 3048 Dudnas St. W., TO West ~Roots
9:30> The Connie Scriver Band @ Timothy’s Pub, 344 Brown’s Line, Etob. S. ~Pop Rock/Top 40
9:30> Cece Pastor @ Seven44, 744 Mount Pleasant Blvd., TO North ~Rock/Dance
9:30> Robbie & Matt @ Stone Cottage Pub, 3750 Kingston Rd., Scarborough ~Pop Rock
9:30> John Chantry @ Shore Grill, 71 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit ~Pop Rock/Top 40
9:30> The Doubts @ Jake’s Boathouse Brampton, 59 First Gulf Rd., Brampton ~Pop Rock
*9:30> open mic @ Big Daddy’s, 460 Elgin Mills Rd., E, Richmond Hill
9:30> Shjaane Glover @ Shakers, 580 Kerr St., Oakville
9:30> The Tryst @ Gator Ted’s, 1505 Guelph Line, Burlington
9:30> Wizened @ Black Swan Pub Burlington, 4040 Palladium Way, Burlington
9:45> Kiki Misumi Group @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz
9:45> Maty Mckay @ Reservoir Lounge, 52 Wellington St. E., TO ~Jazz/Blues
10-2> Modern LP @ Southside Johnny’s, 3653 Lakeshore Blvd. W., Etobicoke South ~classic Rock
10-2> Soul Funkshun feat. Dave Girdlestone @ Roc’n Doc’s, 105 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit ~
10> Dave Murphy Band @ Orbit Room, 480 College St. TO ~Rock/Funk/R&B
10> Freeman Dre & The Kitchen Party @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen Street West, TO
10-2> Alistair Cristl @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave., TO W.
10> The Moralist & The Nihilist @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO
10-1> Jack Marks & The Lost Wages @ Bar Radio, 615 College St., TO ~Country; pwyc
10> Donkey @ Eastcoaster’s, 2861 Keele St., TO Northwest ~Pop Rock
10> MWQ @ The Duke Live, 1225 Queen St. E., TO ~Rock
10-2> The Speck Brothers @ Fionn MacCool’s Ajax, 36 Kingston Rd., E., Ajax ~Pop Rock/Top 40
10> Kira May Roboteyes @ The Red Garnet, 231 Hunter St. W., Peterborough ~
10:30> Big Otter Creek video release party @ The Hideout, 484 Queen St. W., TO ~indie Rock
10:30> tba @ The Dickens, 423 Elizabeth St., Burlington ~Pop Rock
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