Versatile multi-instrumentalist and affable band leader and open mic host Wayne “Neon” Smith returns this evening as host of tonight’s weekly Monday open stage at Grossman’s Tavern.
Super-busy Smith heads up his own Wayne Neon and the Amazing Tubular Orchestra™ and Axes of Evil Rock/Blues bands as well as the Focused original Rap combo. His ATO band is also the house group for a new monthly songwriters series at Black Swan, which had another good turnout this past Saturday from what I’m told.
A guitarist, flautist and singer (and very intuitive accompanist, as I discovered when he joined me on stage at an open mic a few years ago) he is also a member of the Gordon’s Acoustic Living Room jam collective and Mississauga Big Band Jazz Ensemble.
I’d expect it’s likely that some of the musicians who populate those various congregations, such as guitarist Phil Ciglen, will turn up to join him for a few tunes as well as to showcase themselves.
Things get underway at 8:30 in the room at 379 Spadina Ave. a bit south of College St. and there’s no cover.
-By Gary 17, TorontoMoon.ca
[email protected] * [email protected]
SHOW LISTINGS for Monday, January 13, 2022
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically. For KEY to listings codes and schemata see note at end of shows list.
Names of subscribers appear in bold, are underlined and, where applicable, include a live link to their Home or Event url. FOR SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS VISIT: https://www.torontomoon.ca/subscribe/
Advertisers’ listings are in larger, highlighted type, include live link to website and also have ad icon included in listings. FOR ADVERTISING INFO VISIT:
*2-3> “Out of The Bassment” with host Keiko Gutierrez @ 93.3 CFMU Hamilton and online at http://cfmu.ca/shows/21-out-of-the-bassment ~music featuring bass players
3-7> Julian Taylor hosts @ 106.5 ELMNT FM in Toronto & www.elemntfm.ca ~eclectic music 25% indigenous, 35% CanCon
*6> “Underplayed and Underpaid” interviews and performances by Guelph area bands on CFRU 93.3 FM broadcast and online
6> “Soundcheck with Sabrina” with Sabrina Fallah @ Jungle 77.3 & online at http://www.jungle773.com/ ~eclectic tracks, interviews etc.
416 – TORONTO CENTRAL -Broadview/Bayview to Ossington
6> Jon Brooks & The Outskirts of Approval @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W. ~songwriter
6-8> Chris Banks, Brodie West, Dafydd Hubhes and Jesse Baird @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick St.
6:30> Harry Bartlett Quintet @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Jazz; $
**7-1 (sign-up at 7, show starts 7:30)> open stage with host Dylan Wickens @ Free Times Café, 320 College St.
*7-11> “Middle of Nowhere” open mic (recorded live for podcast) @ Alchemy, 890 College St.
*7-10> open stage with Brad Scott @ Lola, 40 Kensington Ave.
*7-9:30> UkeZac ukulele jam & workshop @ Tranzac Club (Main Hall), 292 Brunswick Ave.; $10
7:30-10:30> Orange Devils @ Monarch Tavern, 12 Clinton St. ~indie; $10
**8> open mic (2 songs; sign-up starts 8 p.m.) with host Sarah Greene @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave.
8:30-1:30> open mic/jam with host Wayne Neon @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave. ~acoustic covers & originals
8:30> Burnaby; Circle The City; Mr. Man; Basketball Knees @ Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen St. W. ~eclectic indie; $6
*9:30> open mic @ Amsterdam Bicycle Club, 54 The Esplanade
9:30> Gordon Grdina’s Nomad Trio @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Jazz; $
10> Jordan John @ The Orbit Room, 580 College St. ~Jazz-Rock fusion; $
10> Mike T. Kerr @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W.
416 - TORONTO EAST -Broadview/Bayview to Victoria Park
7-10> Smokey Folk @ Relish, 511 Danforth Ave. ~Bluegrass; $0
*8:45-12> acoustic open stage jam with Tyler Ellis @ Dora Keogh, 141 Danforth Ave.
*9-12> Gareth Parry’s Book Club @ Sauce on Danforth, 1376 Danforth Ave. ~Blues/Jazz
*9:30-2> Sebastian Agnello & friends open stage @ Black Swan Tavern, 154 Danforth Ave.; 0$
*7-12> Al Reilly’s Catalyst host Rock jam @ Rockpile, 5555 Dundas St. W.
7:30> Uke jam/workshop or Uke Circle jamalong @ Stone Cottage Pub, 3750 Kingston Rd. ~amateur ukulele players welcome; $5
416 – TORONTO WEST -Ossington to Etobicoke
7> Jay Yoo Group @ The Emmet Ray, 924 College St. ~Jazz; pwyc
8> “Dark Day Monday” eclectic cabaret @ Burdock, 1184 Bloor St. W. ~variety; $10
8:30> Sammy Miller and The Congregation @ Hugh’s Room Live, 2261 Dundas St. W. ~Jazz Pop; $25
*9> open mic with host Alun Piggins @ The Wicket, 1671 Bloor St. W.
*9-1> Hamstrung Stringband @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave. ~Bluegrass
*9-1> eclectic open stage/jam with host Nelson Sobral @ The Painted Lady, 218 Ossington Ave.
9:30> Dan Pitt Quintet @ The Emmet Ray, 924 College St. ~Jazz; pwyc
*10-11> The Skyliners @ Skyline Restaurant, 1426 Queen St. W. ~low-fi Soul/Blues
*10> open mic with host Liam Kearney @ The Hole In The Wall, 2867 Dundas St. W.
519 EAST -Guelph, K-W & vicinity
7-11> open mic night hosted by Gregory Michael Schwan @ Kings Sports Bar, 468 Woodlawn Rd. E., Guelph
*7> open mic with John Stuart @ Rhapsody Barrel Bar, 179 King St. W., Kitchener
*7:30-12> open mic with Anthony Schmanthony @ The Cornerstone, 1 Wyndham St. N., Guelph
9:30> Tommy Major @ McCabe’s Irish Pub, 9 Wyndham St. N., Guelph ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
9:30> Turk and the Hobbits @ Duke of Wellington, 33 Erb St. W., Waterloo
*7-11> Rick & Gailie’s Crash & Burn @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough ~acoustic Pop covers & originals; $0
905 EAST -Pickering to Cobourg
7-9> Brian Ferris @ Arthur’s Pub, 930 Burnham St., Cobourg
8-11> open mic with John Hellyer @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa ~spoken word & music
*4-6> youth jam @ Hummingbird Hub, 6331 Main St., Stouffville; $ (includes refreshment)
905 SOUTH -Hamilton & vicinity
6> The Repeatles @ Innsville, 1141 Highway 8, Stoney Creek ~Beatles covers
6:30> Greensville Guitar Pickers jam @ Greensville Branch Library, 59 Kirby Ave., Hamilton
*6:30> Choir Nation with guest Alex Kadet @ Staircase, 27 Dundurn St. N., Hamilton
*7:30> George Arnone Big Band @ Veterans Service League, 1473 Main St. E., Hamilton ~Jazz
*9:30> The New Rebel Westerners @ Cat N Fiddle, 174 John St. S., Hamilton ~Country
905 WEST -south Peel, Halton
*8-12> jam with Tom Barlow @ Shore Grill, 71 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit-Mississauga
**8-12> jam night with Catherine Harrison @ Moonshine Café, 137 Kerr St., Oakville
Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Events preceded by question mark (?) usually take place but have not been confirmed. Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchasers (eg. students, seniors, members, etc.). /+ indicates stated price is minimum.
-Copyright © 2020 by Gary “17” Webb-Proctor & TorontoMoon.ca. All Rights Reserved