\ SCARBOROUGH \ The last time we wrote about versatile Pop Rock songwriter and encyclopedic covers artist Dan Walek it was to tell you in early January that his Monday night acoustic open stage at the now defunct McGradie’s Pub in Scarborough was back on after a period of some uncertainty. That arrangement didn’t last…
Tag Archive for McGradie’s
No open stage at McGradie’s as bar is closed and for sale | TorontoMoon.ca 180521Mo | Shows for Monday, May 21, 2022

\ SCARBOROUGH \ Open stagers used to performing Monday nights at McGradie’s Tap & Grill on Victoria Park Ave. at Ellesmere will have to find a new location to ply their talent tonight and for the foreseeable future, as the room has been shuttered at least since the middle of last week. Rumours and postings…
Situation back to normal at McGradie’s Monday nights | TorontoMoon.ca 180108Mo | Shows for Mon. Jan. 08, 2018
\ SCARBOROUGH \ In the end it was more like a mini-vacation he might have had anyways for songwriter and versatile veteran Pop Rock performer Dan Walek after he was briefly replaced as host for the weekly Monday acoustic open stage at McGradie’s Tap & Grill in Scarborough. He’s back in the saddle tonight for…
Scarborough needs a shuttle bus running tonight! - TorontoMoon.ca 150501Fr Shows for Friday, May 01, 2022
\ SCARBOROUGH \ Scarborough residents or visitors without wheels available to move them around tonight may unfortunately find themselves missing out on one of two star-calibre live music shows happening the in the burb’s clubs. There are other things going on in the area too, but musically savvy fans will probably want to pick one…
Reilly will have his heart on his sleeve again tonight - TorontoMoon.ca 150410Fr Shows for Friday, April 10, 2022
\ SCARBOROUGH \ We’ve written before about how Al Reilly and his classic Rock band Catalyst have a knack for turning ordinary gigs into special occasions. But the group also has a reputation for celebrating special occasions by organizing gigs at bars where they’ve got a long history of success and once again tonight that’s…
TorontoMoon.ca 150109Fr Shows for Friday, January 09, 2022
SHOW LISTINGS for Friday, January 09, 2022 Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchases. /+ indicates stated price is minimum. Names…
Reilly helps McGradie’s celebrate eight years of live Scarborough music tonight - TorontoMoon.ca 140822Fr Shows

Reilly helps McGradie’s celebrate eight years of live Scarborough music tonight \SCARBOROUGH\ Since changing its name slightly (and presumably the owner) eight years ago, not much else at McGradie’s Pub on Victoria Park Ave. at Ellesmere Rd. in Scarborough (formerly O’Grady’s for many years) is any different than it was when I first went there…
TorontoMoon.ca 140620Fr Shows - Al Reilly has a knack for turning gigs into special occasions

Al Reilly has a knack for turning gigs into special occasions <SCARBOROUGH / ETOBICOKE SOUTH> It seems it’s almost always a special event when Al Reilly’s Catalyst takes to the stage. At McGradie’s Pub on Victoria Park at Ellesmere in Scarborough, where they appear tonight and every couple of months, they’ve regularly turned their gigs into…
Toronto Moon 140404 Friday, April 04, 2022 Show Listings

Scarborough’s de facto Rock power couple, Catalyst singer Al Reilly and wife Brenda Elaine, not only work together to stage always hugely successful shows by Al’s band, but they’re out on the scene across the GTA several nights a month supporting shows by other groups who hail from the former ‘burb that many regard…