As I mentioned in the introduction to the heartfelt obituary that Brian Jantzi wrote about Folk songwriter Christine Gaidies after her untimely passing last month, I never knew her, even though we were friends on social media for a little while.
Those who were close to her describe Christine as an optimistic, sunny personality and perhaps that can in part be seen in how she never bemoaned her medical situation and if anything underplayed it in her social media posts even as the cancer was robbing her of vitality and eventually her very life.
Well before anyone realized she was enduring this battle, she released a debut album September 27 of last year and packed Hugh’s Room in west TO for its release party featuring a 10-piece band. Subsequently, perhaps realizing her time was running out, she was actually working as hard as she could on a new collection of her originals that she’d hoped to bring out later this year.
Some of the musicians who had been working with her on the project, as well as others who have performed with her over the past few years, want to see her goal fulfilled and, along with her life partner Christopher Crumb, are planning a life celebration and fundraiser for that hopefully in September, with details yet to be released. No doubt there will be other such events to follow before the year is out.
In the meantime, one of TO’s most gentlemanly and community-oriented talents, Glen Hornblast, is getting the ball rolling at tonight’s edition of his monthly Nashville Bound series at Free Times Café, for which Christine herself had performed —most recently in January when the night was themed as a fundraiser to help fellow songwriter Michelle Lecce get her album underway.
Tonight some of those who appeared at the January record fundraiser will return along with several others, because Glen has invited at least 20 performers who knew and admired Christine to come out to share their talent and is dedicating the proceeds from the pay-what-you-can event towards completion of the album.
The roster reads like the showcase lineup for a Winterfolk Festival show and indeed, in addition to Hornblast, Jantzi and Lecce, the bill includes Winterfolk director Brian Gladstone and a slew of other gifted Roots/Country songwriters. The artists include: Lynn Harrison; Harpin’ Norm Lucien; Herb Dale; Peter Mathieson; David McLachlan; Kevin Jeffrey; Glen Gary; The Curries; Tony Hanik; Sean Peever; Ruth Jenkins; Joanne Crabtree; Bob Cohen; Jean Baillergeon; Peter Eastmure; Pete Janes and Phil Ciglen, some of whom will be teaming up in band combos of various sizes and genres. Many of them are expected to do covers of Gaidies originals as well as a tune of their own.

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All these folks, plus audience, will have to shoehorn into the tiny back concert room of the club at 320 College Street. It could go without saying that you’ll need to get there very early for this 8 p.m. till 11:30 event if you hope to secure a seat or even standing room.
No doubt the crowd will spill out to occupy much of the rest of the club and keep the staff hopping all the night through. But I’ll bet that somewhere, if Christine’s spirit lives on past her transition from the mortal coil, she’ll be there too —no doubt blushing. And she’ll most certainly be very much alive in the minds, hearts and musical offerings of participants.
-Gary 17, TorontoMoon.ca
SHOW LISTINGS for Thursday, August 18, 2021
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically.
Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Events preceded by question mark (?) usually take place but have not been confirmed. Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchases. /+ indicates stated price is minimum.
Names of subscribers appear in bold and underlined and, where applicable, include a live link to their websites or event page. Advertisers’ listings are in larger type and highlighted, include a live link to their website and also have a copy of the ad included in listings.
9-10am> “The Bill King Show” with host Bill King & guests @ CIUT 89.5 FM ~Blues/Jazz
6> Hunter & Doe @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W., TO
6-8> Lillian Tilbrook @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St., TO ~Jazz; $10-20/pwyc
6:30> Jeff McLeod Organ Trio @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz
7> Phil Naro @ Drums N Flats, 1980 Avenue Rd., TO North ~Pop Rock
*7> open mic with Derek Mok @ Kensington Lodge, 21 Kensington Ave., TO
*7:30-9:30> Bluegrass Thursdays with Houndstooth @ Tranzac Lounge (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO
8-11:30> Nashville Bound for Christine Gaidies with host Glen Hornblast and performances by Brian Jantzi; Lynn Harrison; Harpin’ Norm Lucien; Kevin Jeffrey; Brian Gladstone; Herb Dale; Peter Mathieson; David McLachlan; many more @ Free Times Café, 320 College St. TO ~eclectic Roots; pwyc
*8-1> open mic with Alicia Porter @ The Local Gest, 424 Parliament St., TO
8> Devin Cuddy @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W., TO ~songwriter
8> Enzo Boldrini @ Dominion Pub, 500 Queen St. E., TO ~cover Pop Rock
*8-12> Joe Bowden @ Nawlin’s, 299 King St. W. TO ~Blues
8:30-12:30> Rolls Joyce; Gen Gorman; Girls Give Me Pills; Killer Virgins @ Silver Dollar 486 Spadina Ave., TO ~indie
9> Evan Malach @ Cameron House (rear), 408 Queen St. W., TO
9-12> Danielle and Joe; Christopher Parker Smith @ The Cavern Bar, 76 Church St., TO ~indie
9-11:30> The Vipers @ Jazz Bistro, 251 Victoria St., TO ~Jazz/Blues; $15
9> Secret Suburbia album release; with guests Grimace Love; Reid Roses & Elley Jeeze; Adonis Chantz; Maestro Fresh Wes; Conwell & Slick Mason; Antifrantik @ Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen St. W., TO ~indie; $10
*9-1> Blackburn @ Jo Mamas, 317 King St. W., TO ~Blues
9> Carlos Morgan & guest @ Alleycatz, 2409 Yonge St., TO North ~Funk/R&B; $5
*9:30> jam with host band The Regulators @ College St. Bar, 574 College St., TO
9:30> Jamie Reynolds Trio @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz; $
*9:45> Mary McKay @ Reservoir Lounge, 52 Wellington St. E., TO ~Jazz/Blues; $
10> The Vaudevillians @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W., TO
10> Bad Luck Woman and Her Misfortunes @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave., TO ~Blues
10> Karen NG @ Tranzac Lounge (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO
10> Canyn; Sedge; Drone Wolf Pack; Emanupunk @ Lee’s Palace, 529 Bloor St. W., TO ~original Rock; $6
10> Dixie Chicken @ Orbit Room, 480 College St. TO ~Little Feat tribute; $
10:30> Mike Costatine & Friends @ The Hideout, 484 Queen St. W., TO ~indie Rock
10:30-2> Flash Rewind @ Amsterdam Bicycle Club, 54 The Esplanade ~80s covers
7-9:30> Tom Eastland with Myke Mazzei and Susanne Kozo @ Relish, 2152 Danforth Ave., TO East ~songwriter; no cover
8-12> The Fabulous Rave @ Black Bear Pub, 1125 O’Connor Drive, TO East ~Blues/early Rock; no cover
*8:30-10:30> Jerry Leger & The Situation @ Castro’s, 2116 Queen St. E., TO East ~Folk-Rock/Country
9> The Throwdown @ Linsmore Tavern, 1298 Danforth Ave., TO East ~Funk/R&B/Soul; no cover
9> Tyler Schwende Duo @ Murphy’s Law, 1702 Queen St. E., TO East ~Pop Rock
*9:30> open jam with host Kar Wong @ Sportsters, 1430 Danforth Ave., TO East
*10-2> karaoke with Shane Taylor @ Relish, 2152 Danforth Ave., TO East
*10-1> open jam with host Michael Villamor @ Breakwall, 1910 Queen St. E.
8> Grump @ Bier Markt Etobicoke, 199 North Queen St., Etobicoke ~indie Pop Rock
8> Parkside Drive @ Timothy’s Pub, 344 Brown’s Line, Etobicoke South ~Pop Rock
8> Screamin’ Evil Blues Band @ The Rockpile, 5555 Dundas St. W., Etobicoke ~Blues Rock
*9:30-2> Skip Tracer @ Southside Johnny’s, 3653 Lakeshore Blvd., Etobicoke South ~Rock/Pop
7-11> jam night @ The Birchmount, 462 Birchmount Rd., Scarborough
9:30> Colin Amey @ Black Dog Pub, 87 Island Rd., Scarborough ~Pop Rock
7-9> Tavis Triance & The Natural Way; Birds of Paradise @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave., TO West ~$7
8> Kate Lyn @ The Piston, 937 Bloor St. W., TO West
8> Park Eddy @ 3030 Dundas West, 3030 Dundas St. W., TO West ~$10
8:30> Repair; Jacob Wattersl Scott Stanley @ Burdock, 1184 Bloor St. W., TO West ~ambient Synth, loopers and sequencers & vocal; $10
9-2> The Danger Bees featuring David Macmichael @ Junction City Music Hall, 2907 Dundas St. W., TO West ~indie alt-Pop + Australian songwriter Chelsea Reed; $10
9> Pedro Quental @ Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W., TO West ~Brazilian carnival music; $10
9> Vokurka’s Vicarious Virtuoso @ The Emmet Ray, 924 College St., TO West ~violin Classical/Swing fusion; pwyc
*9-12> open mic night @ DeSoto’s, 1079 St. Clair Ave. W., TO West
*9-1:30> open stage with Jay Pennell @ Dave’s On St. Clair, 730 St. Clair West, TO West ~eclectic
9> OMNI; Fresh Snow; Tough Age @ Smiling Buddha, 961 College St., TO West ~indie; $
9> Capital C; Chariman of the Board @ The Painted Lady, 218 Ossington Ave., TO West ~indie
9> Candy Apple Jazz Band @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave., TO West ~New Orleans style Jazz/Swing/Punk
9:30> The Mercenaries @ Fat City Blues, 890 College St., TO West ~retro Soul-Rock; $
10> Zeppelisque @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave., TO West ~Zeppelin covers; $
*7:30-12> open mic with K.M. Smith @ Molly Bloom’s Guelph, 91 Wyndham St. N., Guelph
7:30> Aaron Soloman @ Fionn MacCool’s Orangeville, 75 Fourth Ave., Orangeville ~Pop Rock
8> open mic night @ M&M Bar, 475 Main St., Cambridge
8> Ragwax @ Fionn MacCool’s Kitchener, 4287 King St. E., Kitchener ~Pop Rock
*8-11> open mic with Sandy MacDonald @ Williamsburg Arms, 1187 Fischer Hallman Rd., Kitchener
7-11> Wayne Buttery Band with guest Larry Kurtz @ Harbour Street Fish Bar, 10 Keith Ave., Collingwood ~Blues
*7:30> Rob Phillips Jazz/Blues Trio and Marsala Likianchuk @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough
*8> The Joe Huron Trio @ Sticky Fingers, 199 Essa Rd., Barrie ~Jazz/Blues
8> Mr. B @ The Huron Club, 94 Pine St., Collingwood
*9> jam with Ted Rusk @ The Sauble Dunes, 11 Southampton Parkway, Sauble Beach
9> Shotgun; The Canadians @ The Spill, 414 George St. N., Peterborough ~B.C. post-Rock alternative/Metal; $10
10> Kurt Chaboyer and The Handsome Ransom @ The Garnet, 231 Hunter St. W., Peterborough ~Country
905 - EAST
*5-8> Nelson Denis @ Frank’s Pasta, 42 King Street E., Cobourg ~eclectic mix (Folk, Jazz, soft Rock, Latin)
5> Joanne @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa
8-11> Arial Royal with Mellow Dee @ Rum Diaries, 368 Bayly St. W., Ajax ~smooth Soul
*?> jam with Darren Smith & Shayne Thomas @ The Corner Pocket, 45 Prince St., Oshawa
*9> jam @ The Wee Pub, 371 Wilson Rd. South, Oshawa
*9:30> jam with Billick @ Harp & Crown, 300 Kingston Rd., Pickering
*10> Karaoke with Rob MacArthur @ St. Louis Ajax, 11 Harwood Ave., Ajax
905 – NORTH
6:30-9:30> Mark Yan & Barry Mulachy @ Symposium Bar Bistro (patio), 192 McEwan Dr. E., Bolton ~acoustic originals & Pop covers
*6:30-10:30> jam with Faces for Radio @ Coasters, 55 Rutherford Rd. S., Brampton
7-9> The Jazz Mechanics feat. Best of Brampton Music Theatre for Thursday Night Concert Series @ Gage Park, 45 Main St. N., Brampton
*7:30-11:30> jam with house band @ 52nd St. Tap & Grill, 30 Kennedy Rd., S., Brampton
*8-11> Jam with Jayme Lynn Reed @ Offsides Sports Bar, 200 Simcoe Ave., Keswick
9> open mic (signup starts at 8:30) @ The Barrel, 2180 Steeles Ave. W. Vaughan
905 – SOUTH
*9> LMT Connection @ Doc Magilligan’s Irish Pub, 6400 Lundy’s Lane, Niagara Falls ~R&B/Funk
9> Jef Barbara’s Black Space; Ice Cream; Nick Persons @ This Ain’t Hollywood, 345 James St. N., Hamilton ~eclectic art Rock; $12
*9> open mic night with rotating hosts @ Coach & Lantern, 384 Wilson St E., Hamilton
10> Strummers Union @ The Pheasant Plucker, 20 Augusta St., Hamilton
905 – WEST
*6-9> Ric Jacobs @ Ivy Bar, 3330 South Service Rd., Burlington
*7-11> James Anthony Band & guest Jeff Scott as Buddy Holly @ Black Swan Pub Burlington, 4040 Palladium Way, Burlington ~Blues
*8-12> jam hosted by The Personics @ Carrigan Arms, 2025 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington
8-12> Brad James @ The Purple Heather, 3600 Dundas St. W., Burlington
*8> Salsa band @ The Franklin House, 263 Queen St. S., Streetsville ~Latin
*8> Celtic Night @ Fionn MacCool’s Burlington, 2331 Appleby Line
8:30> Sydney Delong & Friends @ Moonshine Café, 137 Kerr St. Oakville ~songwriter; $5/pwyc
9-1> Freedom Train @ Roc’n Doc’s, 105 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit ~Rock/Pop
9:30> Glenn Groves @ Shore Grill, 71 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit ~Honky Tonk Country new & old
*9:30> jam with Jack B Nimble @ Abbey Road Pub, 3200 Erin Mills Parkway, Mississauga
9:30> Chris Partland @ Cuchulainn’s Irish Pub, 158 Queen St. S., Streetsville-Mississauga ~Pop Rock
*10:30> The Killin’ Time Duo @ The Dickens, 423 Elizabeth St., Burlington ~Pop Rock
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