Dawn Duvall ‘DawnsVille’ album cover
I first wrote about Blues songwriter and singer Dawn Duvall, along with her then duo partner Lorraine Ingle, back in the early 90s when the pair were impressing audiences as Blue Willow.
Midway through the decade they released a lovely Boogie-Woogie Blues album, Greasy Talk, which I gave a glowing review in a cover story in my to-nite magazine Issue 047, May 1-16, 1995.
I noted in that article how Duvall’s vocals had evolved from more mainstream into a punchier “razorbacked, slightly grizzled persona” and concluded the album had “substance and style” and that with tunes such as “Spend Money” was deserving of radio play and worthy of other bands covering their songs.

to-nite 047, May 1-15, 1995, Page 01, Blue Willow
[Subscribers who are registered members of our website can check out the full article in our Vault section.]
We sort of lost touch over the years since as Lorraine left the duo for cruise ship work and it seemed Dawn retreated from the music scene —though I have occasionally seen her name pop up as a guest vocalist for other artists or at benefit shows.
Two years ago, however, I ran into her in a most unexpected place: while getting prepped for removal of a cataract in one eye, I was surprised and delighted when an attending technician introduced herself and we chatted very briefly before the procedure began. Dawn told me she was working on new material and while I hadn’t heard anything since, it now appears ready for launch.
In fact that happens this afternoon at The Duke Live at 1225 Queen Street East, when her new DawnsVille band takes to the stage to This Could Be Anything.
The band for today’s release show includes Tom Melville on piano, Rick Blair on bass; John Meydam on drums; Jono Grant on guitar; Simon Wallis on sax; both Carlos del Junco and Bob Adams on harmonica; with harmony vocals from Yohanna Vanderkley, Joanne Powell, Angie Mckinnon and, of course, Lorraine Ingle.
This spacious room has a pro-level stage with lights and great sound and I’d expect Dawn and her talented combo will make good use of it. Cover for the 5-8:30 show is just $10 and I’m told that, surprisingly, the food at this place these days is actually pretty good.
-By Gary 17, TorontoMoon.ca
[email protected] * [email protected]

SHOW LISTINGS for Sunday, October 27, 2021
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically. For KEY to listings codes and schemata see note at end of shows list.
Names of subscribers appear in bold, are underlined and, where applicable, include a live link to their Home or Event url.
FOR SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS VISIT: https://www.torontomoon.ca/subscribe/
Advertisers’ listings are in larger, highlighted type, include live link to website and also have ad icon included in listings. FOR AD INFO VISIT: https://www.torontomoon.ca/advertise-with-toronto-moon/
*3-5am> The Rock-A-Round with Slim Tim @ www.rockabilly-radio.net ~ Rockabilly tracks (from UK, repeat of Fri show, also runs Wednesdays 6-8am)
*6, 7, 10 & 11am; 5 & 7 pm> “Sunday Morning Soul” with Johnny Max @ www.sundaymorningsoul.com ~Blues
9am> “The Hoose Radio Show” Wee Dan Hoose @ http://www.bluesandrootsradio.com/ ~ artist interviews and tracks
*10am-Noon> “The Big Beat Bar-B-Cue Radio Show” with Matt Allen @88.7 FM, The Bay, Hunters Bay Radio, or tune online @ www.muskokaradio.com ~Rock/R&B
4> “Georgian Bay Roots” official show of Summerfolk Festival @ CFOS AM 560 (simulcast on www.560cfos.ca) ~music & songwriter interviews
*4-5> Sarah Siddiqui live performance & Q&A on Facebook.com LiveStories feed from FB page @ ~songwriter
5-8> “Across The Universe” with Ken Stowar on CIUT 89.5 FM
9pm-midnight> 60s, 70s Soul, Jazz & Funk Cape Town/UK LIVE on FM Radio & Online Worldwide @ https://m.mixcloud.com/WorldofMusicSFonMuthaFM/
9-10> Soundbath Sundays with Jesse Buck & Friends @ https://theyogahub.ie/what-is-a-sound-bath/
416 – TORONTO CENTRAL -Broadview/Bayview to Ossington
11am-2pm> Gypsy Jive Band for Jewish brunch buffet @ Free Times Café, 320 College St. ; $5 (music only)
Noon-3> Louisiana Havana @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Dixieland Jazz ; $0
1> Annex Academy of Music showcase @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave.
2> Canadian Opera Company performs “Turandot” @ Four Seasons Centre, 145 Queen St. W.
2> “Hallowe’en Spooktacular” with Toronto Symphony Orchestra @ Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. ~scary Classical; $
2:30-10> Pedestrian Sundays street parties with Mojo Inc.; more @ Kensington Market, various locations
3> Toronto Symphony Orchestra performs German symphonic music to commemorate fall of Berlin Wall @ Meridian Hall / Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, 1 Front St. E. ~Classical: ; $
3> Full Bore Blues @ Lola, 40 Kensington Ave. ~Blues-Rock
3> Roddy Colmer; Julie Title; Nicole Chambers; more @ Rivoli, 334 Queen St. W. ~songwriters; $
3:30-6:30> Butter & Egg Men @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Jazz; $
**4-7> Danny B & Chess Pieces @ Alleycatz, 2409 Yonge St. ~Blues/R&B
*4:30-8> New Orleans Connection All Stars & guests @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave. ~New Orleans Jazz
5> Streve Paul Simms & band with guest Catherine Flock @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave.
6-7:30> Victoria Scully @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St. ~Jazz; $20
7-10> Flamenco Sundays with Tamar Ilana & Shirlita Pili @ Drom Taberna, 458 Queen St. W.
7-9> Barrel Boys @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W. ~Bluegrass
*7-1> Freefall Sundays open stage (2 songs each -signup @ 7 or pre-sign online) @ Supermarket, 268 Augusta St.
7> The Japanese House; Our Girl @ Phoenix Concert Theatre, 410 Sherbourne St. ~contemporary original; $
7-9:30> BBaEM @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Jazz; $
7-10> Jazz United hosts jam @ Tranzac Club (Tiki Room), 292 Brunswick Ave.
*7-10> Brooke Blackburn @ Nawlins, 299 King St. W. ~Blues/Jazz/R&B
7> Diana Express @ Revival, 783 College St. ~contemporary original; $
7> “Ontario Death Fest Day 3” with Putrid Pile; Fumlgation; As Scar For The Wicked; Entity; Death Perception; more @ Sneaky Dee’s, 431 College St. ~Death Metal/ Hard-core; $30
7:30> “Gathering Sparks” with Eve Golberg Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave. ~Folk singalong
7:30> Jack Gabriel Schechtman @ Free Times Café, 320 College St. ~tribute to Phil Ochs; $10
*7:45> open mic (sign up starts at 7:45) @ The Cavern Bar, 76 Church St.
8> Sandro Perri (recording release for Soft Landing lp) @ Tranzac Club (Maini Hall), 292 Brunswick Ave. ~songwriter
8> The Ghost of Mr. Oberon; Mike Doughly @ Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen St. W. ~indie; $
8> Pterodactyl Problems @ The Hideout, 423 College St. ~drag Rock
8-1> Toronto Improvisors Orchestra accompanies live screaming of “Nosferatu” 1922 silent film @ Array Space, 155 Walnut Ave.
8:30-10> Avery Jean Brennan @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St. ~Jazz; $20
9> Bryan Coffey and The Feel Good Band; Debate Cub; In Drft @ Handlebar, 159 Augusta Ave. ~eclectic indie; $
*9> open jam with Reuben O’dell-Barkow @ Lola, 40 Kensington Ave.
9> Soneburner; The Databats; Trick Casket @ Bovine Sex Club, 542 Queen St. W. ~Punk/Thrash; $
9:30> Jacob’s Cattle @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Jazz; $
*10> Horshack feat. Chris Caddell @ Orbit Room, 580 College St. ~Bluesy contemporary & classic Rock
10> The Solipsists @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave.
10> Justin @ Amsterdam Bicycle Club, 54 The Esplanade ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
10> Bobby Dove @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W. ~smooth Pop/Jazz/Rock
**10> Blues-Rock jam with Bill Hedefine & guests Al Kavanagh on bass, Mark Crissinger on guitar @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave.
416 – TORONTO EAST -Broadview/Bayview to Victoria Park
11am-2pm> Evan Desaultnier @ Relish, 511 Danforth Ave. ~Jazz; $0
*11am-1> Shane Pendergast @ Honest Weight, 2766 Dundas St. E. ~acoustic East Coast Roots-Rock covers & originals
2-5> Lisa Particelli’s Girls Night Out East Jazz acoustic Jazz jam @ Morgan’s, 1282 Danforth Ave. ~Jazz; 0$
4> The Lesters @ Sauce on Danforth, 1376 Danforth Ave. ~Roots-Rock
4> Winnie Brave @ Castro’s Lounge, 2116 Queen St. E. ~songwriter
5-8:30> DawnsVille featuring Dawn Duvall (recording release for This Could Be Anything album) @ The Duke Live, 1225 Queen St. E. ~original Blues; $10
6-8:30> Hogtown Delta @ The Dock on Queen, 932 Queen St. E. ~Blues/R&B
*6-10> Rock/Blues jam with William A. Miller & The Black Bear All Stars @ Black Bear Pub, 1125 O’Connor Drive
6:30> Derek Downham @ The Cut/Big Bruce, 1963 Queen St. E. ~songwriter; $0
7-9> James Caroll @ Relish, 511 Danforth Ave. ~songwriter; $0
7> Taking Back Sunday @ The Danforth Music Hall, 147 Danforth Ave. ~contemporary original; $
7-11> Frank Cosentino Band @ Linsmore Tavern, 1298 Danforth Ave ~Blues-Rock; 0$
7> open mic @ Green Dragon Pub, 1032 Kingston Road
8> open mic with Gwen Beal @ AAA Public House Gerrard, 598 Gerrard St. E.
*9-1> jam with the Stir It Up Band featuring David Macmichael @ Relish, 511 Danforth Ave. ~$0

5-9> Harvest Moon @ Timothy’s Pub, 344 Brown’s Line ~Pop Rock
*10-2> jam with Rebecca Matiesen & Phoenix @ Southside Johnny’s, 3653 Lake Shore Blvd. W.
8-12> Kerry Kalli Band hosts Hallowe’en jam @ The Newfoundlander Tavern, 472 Danforth Rd. ~Blues/R&B
416 – TORONTO WEST -Ossington to Etobicoke
*11am-2:30> The Unseen Strangers @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave. ~Bluegrass2> Irving Artists (recording release for album) @ Gallery 345, 345 Sorauren Ave. ~Classical duo; $
**5-8> John Borra & Sam Ferrara w. guest @ The Communist’s Daughter, 1149 Dundas St. W. ~Country
5-8> Carlie Howell with Aline Morales, Jessica Deustch @ Sapori, 1588 Dundas St. W. ~Jazz; $10-20
5-8> Michelle Rumball @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave. ~Roots-Rock
6> Marie/Argatoff Quintet @ The Emmet Ray, 924 College St. ~Jazz; pwyc
6> Lunar Bloom @ Burdock, 1184 Bloor St. W. ~original Roots; $
7-9> Stan Simon @ Wenona Craft Beer Lodge basement, 1069 Bloor St. W. ~songwriters
7> JC3 @ Drake Hotel Underground, 1150 Queen St. W. ~tribute to Nujabes
7:30-10:30> Giraffe; Amanda Jean; The Roughnotes; The Beat Club @ The Painted Lady, 218 Ossington Ave. ~eclectic indie; $5/pwyc
7:30-10> Russell DeCarle of Prairie Oyster with Paul Pigat and Steve Briggs @ Hugh’s Room Live, 2261 Dundas St. W. ~Country-Rock songwriter; $35
7:30> Classic Edge @ Swan and Firkin, 2205 Bloor St. W. ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
8> Omni; nutrients; Quaker Parents @ The Garrison, 1197 Dundas St. W. ~contemporary original; $
8> open mic @ Remix Lounge, 1305 Dundas St. W.
8:30> Jonathan Chapman Trio @ The Emmet Ray, 924 College St. ~Jazz; pwyc
9> Parkdale Rebels @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave. ~Rock ‘n’ Roll/Pop
*9> The Ole Fashion @ Alpine Lounge, 2872 Dundas St. W. ~original Country/alt-Country; $
*10:30> The Mercenaries @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave. ~retro Rock/Soul/Funk; $0
519 EAST -Guelph, K-W & vicinity
*3-7> acoustic open mic with Scott Rhodes @ The Pick and Shovel, 30 Water St., Cambridge
3> Centre for Sight Enhancement fundraiser @ Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St., Kitchener
6-9> Mark Ucci @ Manhattan’s, 951 Gordon St., Guelph
*7> open Rock jam @ Royal City Studios, 930 Woodlawn Rd., Guelph
8> Guelph Symphony Orchestra season opening gala @ River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph
9> Brendan O’Halloran @ McCabe’s Irish Pub, 9 Wyndham St. N., Guelph ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
9:30> Romeo Sex Fighter @ Duke of Wellington, 33 Erb St. W. Waterloo
3> Washboard Hank & The Wringers @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough ~Roots-Rock
4> open jam with Mike Pulkinghorn @ Malone’s Pint House, 118 Bradford St., Barrie
6:30-9:30> Cheryl Casselman @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough
*8> open stage with Ryan Van Loon @ McThirsty’s Pint, 155 Charlotte St., Peterborough
8> The Beelays @ The Garnet, 231 Hunter St., W., Peterborough
905 EAST –Pickering to Cobourg
*2:30-5> eclectic open mic with Keith @ Cork & Bean, 8 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa
4:30> jam with Matt D @ Cocoa & Joe Café, 44 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa
4:30-8> Chris Devlin @ Arthur’s Pub, 930 Burnham St., Cobourg ~Celtic
*5:30> Phlo @ Oasis Bar, 31 King St. E., Cobourg ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
*6-9> open jam with Dino and the Dogs @ Colonel Mustard’s Port Perry, 15 Water St., Port Perry
*8> Gibran & Matt “Smokey” Wildfong @ Harwood Blues, 7 Harwood Ave., Ajax ~Blues
9-1:30> open mic with Will Surphlis @ The Stag’s Head Pub, 27 Bond St. E., Oshawa
*10> Another Round @ Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa ~Pop Rock
905 NORTH-EAST -east of Highway #400
*1-4> open mic with host Steffi Postol Goodfield @ Cosmo Music, 10 Via Renzo Dr., Richmond Hill
*3-7> Neil Numminen & Rob host jam with guest @ C.J. Barley’s, 213 The Queensway S., Keswick
4> Tal Davidson, Daniel Korn, Jordan Mills, Sean Traczyk Quartet @ Rouge River Brewing Company, 50 Bullock Dr., Markham ~Jazz
*7:30> King Henry’s open mic with host Shane Joseph @ King Henry’s Arms, 9301 Yonge St., Richmond Hill
905 NORTH-WEST -west of Highway #400
*4-8> JJ Millstone @ Symposium, 235 Guelph St., Georgetown ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
5:30-8:30> Carmen Spada & Friends @ J. Red & Co., 341 Main St., Brampton ~Jazz
*5:30-9:30> open jam with host band Faces For Radio & guest @ Crown and Anchor Pub, 389 Main St. N., Brampton
6> open mic @ Appalachian Public House, 68 Main St. N., Georgetown
*9-1> jam @ Ivy Arms Pub, 201 Main Street E., Milton
905 SOUTH -Hamilton & vicinity
*3> Brother Tom Finochio hosts kitchen party jam @ Rebel’s Rock, 537 King St. E., Hamilton
3-7> Blueswinder @ Stonewalls, 339 York Blvd., Hamilton ~Blues/R&B; $0
3-7> “Sunday Slamfest” with Streetlight Saints; AD GOTC; more @ This Ain’t Hollywood, 345 James St. N., Hamilton ~Punk/Thrash; $6
4:30-7:30> JP Riemens @ Cat N Fiddle, 174 John St. S., Hamilton
5> Blues jam & show by Wayne Janus and the Backline @ Masque Wine Bar Hamilton, 13 Hess St. S. Hamilton
7> Kasador; Autumn Kings @ Mills Hardware, 96 King St. E., Hamilton ~indie; $
9-12> Steve Collett @ Cat N Fiddle, 174 John St. S., Hamilton
9> Shari Dunn & Jonny Kerr @ Lionshead Pub, 137 John St. S., Hamilton
*10> open mic with Kim Koren @ West End House, 151 Emerson St., Hamilton
905 WEST -southern Peel, Halton
*10:30am-3> Mike Maguire @ Pepperwood Bistro, 1455 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington ~Jazz
2-6> Tim Hebert & Border Line @ Carrigan Arms, 2025 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington ~Country
*3> open jam with Mike Catania @ Saucy, 231 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit-Mississauga
*3-6> Chris Partland @ Cuchulainn’s Irish Pub, 158 Queen St. S., Streetsville-Mississauga ~Pop Rock
3-6> Strum Addicts @ 5 West Brewpub, 3600 Dundas St., Burlington ~ol’ time/traditional Roots
3:30> James Anthony & guest Amber Durette @ Abbey Arms, 481 North Service Rd., Oakville ~Blues
*4-7:30> The Stew @ Mulligan’s, 2458 Dundas St. W., Mississauga ~R&B/Rock; $5
*5> Sara Mills @ Max Resto Lounge, 2180 Itabashi Way, Burlington
5:30-9:30> Host Neil MacNaughton with guests tba @ Bronte Sports Kitchen, 2544 Speers Rd., Oakville ~Roots-Rock
6> open mic @ Studio.89, 1065 Canadian Place, Mississauga
*7-12> Tony Paglia & Co. @ Shore Grill, 71 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit-Mississauga ~Pop Rock/Blues; $0
7> Max Weinberg’s Jukebox @ Burlington Performing Arts Center, 440 Locust St., Burlington; $60.50
10> Brad Sumak and Mike Olivieri @ The Dickens, 423 Elizabeth St., Burlington ~Roots-Rock
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically. Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Events preceded by question mark (?) usually take place but have not been confirmed. Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchasers (eg.: seniors, students, members, kids, etc). /+ indicates stated price is minimum.
-Copyright © 2019 by Gary “17” Webb-Proctor & TorontoMoon.ca. All Rights Reserved