-Gary 17, TorontoMoon.ca
[email protected] * [email protected]
SHOW LISTINGS for Saturday, January 05, 2022
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically. For KEY to listings codes and schemata see note at end of shows list.
Names of subscribers appear in bold, are underlined and, where applicable, include a live link to their websites.
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Advertisers’ listings are in larger, highlighted type, include live link to website and also have ad icon included in listings. FOR ADVERTISING INFO VISIT: http://www.torontomoon.ca/ advertise-with-toronto-moon/
2-4> live streaming of Yor Junction Open Mic from La Rev @ http://www.streetjelly.com/
8> “In The Studio” with Blair Packham & Bob Reid and guest songwriters on air @ CFRB AM1010
8pm-12> BLUZ-FM with Danny Marks @ JAZZ.FM91
416 – TORONTO CENTRAL –Broadview/Bayview to Ossington
*Noon-3> The Sinners Choir @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Blues; $
1-5> Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine Show with host Brian Gladstone @ Free Times Café, 320 College St. ~Roots open stage; $0
3-6> Eric & The Soo @ Supermarket, 268 Augusta Ave. ~indie; $
3-6> Hot Five Jazzmakers @ C’est What, 67 Front St. E. ~Country Jazz; $5
3> Jamzac @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave.
3-6> John Pittman Quintet @ The Pilot, 22 Cumberland St. ~Jazz
3:30> Paul Reddick Band @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~original Blues; $
4-7> Glen Hornblast hosts one-song showcase & open stage birthday concert/fundraiser for Wychwood Open Door soup kitchen with Michael Laderoute; Mark Yan; Harpin’ Norm Lucien; Lynn Harrison; David Storey; David McLachlan; Roger “Pops” Zuraw; more; (stage open 6-7) @ Tranzac Club (TIki Room), 292 Brunswick Ave. ~original Roots; pwyc
*5> Shane Pendergast @ Cloak and Dagger, 394 College St. ~Roots-Rock
*4:40-7:30> The Happy Pals @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave. ~New Orleans Jazz
6-8> Mike and Jill Daley @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St. ~Jazz; $10-20/pwyc
6-8> John Borra @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W. ~songwriter
7> Justin Bacchus @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Jazz; $
7> Quinn Mills & The Common Era; Ten Minute Detour; Roman Dane; Wrong Jeremy; Crimson Cay; @ Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen St. W. ~indie; $
7:30-11> Zachary Lucky @ PH8, 388 Richmond St. W. ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
7:30> Abigail Lapell @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave.
7:30> LiDelun New Year’s Concert @ Toronto Centre For The Arts, 5040 Yonge St. ~Classical/Worldbeat; $
8> Moneen @ Phoenix Concert Theatre, 410 Sherbourne St. ~contemporary original; $
8> Orville Peck; Gloin; Nikki France; The Ellents;more @ Monarch Tavern, 12 Clinton St. ~indie; $
8> Amberlea; Tay Sera; Aniket @ The Cavern Bar, 76 Church St. ~indie; $8
*8:30-12:30> All Star Band feat. Joe Bowden & Brooke Blackburn @ N’awlins, 299 King St. W. ~Blues
9> Dr Love and the Love Brigade @ Rivoli, 334 Queen St. W. ~indie; $
9> Greg Williams @ Firkin on Harbour, 10 Yonge St. ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
9> Blind Cats; People Walking By @ C’est What, 67 Front St. E. ~indie; $
9-11:30> June Garber @ Jazz Bistro, 251 Victoria St. ~Jazz; $
9> The Thinly Veiled Double Entendres; Cat Pacheeno; Freddy Fuckup @ Bovine Sex Club, 542 Queen St. W. ~Punk/Thrash; $
9:30-2> Jeff G & The Four Heads @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave. ~classic Rock; $0
9:30> I, The Mountain @ Cameron House (rear), 408 Queen St. W. ~indie; $
9:30> The Devil’s Drink @ McVeigh’s Irish Pub, 124 Church St. ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9:30> Lady Kane @ Alleycatz, 2409 Yonge St. ~Funk/Soul/R&B; $10
9:45> Terry Promane Sexte @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W. ~Jazz; $
*9:45> Tyler Yarema & His Rhythm @ Reservoir Lounge, 52 Wellington St. E. ~Jazz/Blues; $
10> Country Cassanovas @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W. ~Country
10> Lonely Hearts @ Nightowl, 647 College St. ~contemporary Rock
10> Arkose @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave. ~experimental Jazz
10-2> In Living Colour @ The Hideout, 423 College St. ~contemporary Rock
10> Hot Fiya @ Orbit Room, 580 College St. ~Funk/Soul; $
10:30> Choke; Seas; New Design @ Hard Luck Bar, 772 Dundas St. W. ~contemporary original; $10
10:30> Mac Mehew @ Amsterdam Bicycle Club, 54 The Esplanade
10:30> Rock Tub Time Machine @ The Rose and Crown, 2335 Yonge St. ~Rock/Top 40 covers
416 – TORONTO EAST –Broadview/Bayview to Victoria Park
*3:30-6> Johnny Wright @ Outriggers, 2232 Queen St. E. ~R&B
4-7> Michelle Rumball & Mr. Rick @ Sauce on Danforth, 1376 Danforth Ave. ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
6-8> Thelonious Hank @ Castro’s, 2116 Queen St. E. ~Country Jazz
7-9> Blaine Burnie Band @ Relish, 2152 Danforth Ave. ; $0
7-12> “The Big Love” dance & fundraiser for Birch Island Indigenous community featuring Cacao Ceremony Ecstatic Dance; Darren Austin Hall; Shamanic Musician/Sound Healer; Mystic Sage @ Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave. ~Worldbeat: Indigenous; $
8> Raul Iora; Leejahn @ Opera House, 735 Queen St. E. ~contemporary original; $
9-11> Samantha Windover @ Old Nick Pub, 123 Danforth Ave.
9> Northland Rail Service @ Bar Hop Session, 681 Danforth Ave., ~Roots-Rock/Bluegrass
9> Gib & Tam @ Goose & Firkin, 1875 Leslie Ave. ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9:30-11:30> Blues & Trouble @ Relish, 2152 Danforth Ave. ~Blues-Rock; $0
9:30> Rock Jaw @ Linsmore Tavern, 1298 Danforth Ave. ~classic Rock; $
9:30> One King @ The Duke Live, 1225 Queen St. E. ~Blues/R&B; $0
**4-8> The Essentials with guest John Dickie on vocals @ Southside Johnny’s, 3653 Lake Shore Blvd. W. ~Rock-R&B; 0$
*4-8> The Meteors with guest Michael Danckert @ Timothy’s Pub, 344 Brown’s Line ~Blues/Rock/R&B
7:30-10:30> Brian Blain’s Blues Campfire Band with Lorraine Ingle, Gary Kendall, Mark “Bird” Stafford @ Old Mill Inn (Home Smith Bar), 21 Old Mill Rd. Blues ~Blues; minimum table charge
8> Wild T & The Spirit @ The Rockpile, 5555 Dundas St. W. ~original Blues-Rock; $
9> Screamin’ Evil Blues Band featuring Keith Danby @ Timothy’s Pub, 344 Brown’s Line ~Blues-Rock; $
9:30> Daybreak @ Fionn MacCool’s Islington/Quality Hotel, 2180 Islington Ave. ~Rock/Top 40 covers
10-2> Pink Leather Jackets @ Southside Johnny’s, 3653 Lake Shore Blvd. W. ~classic/contemporary Rock; 0$
8:30-12:30> The Dirty Roosters @ Tara Inn, 2365 Kingston Rd. ~Blues/R&B
9-1> Colin Amey @ Black Dog Pub, 87 Island Rd. ~Country Rock
416 – TORONTO WEST –Ossington to Etobicoke
*1-3:30> Danny Marks @ Cadillac Lounge, 1296 Queen St. W. ~Blues/Jazz
2-4> John Wayne Swingtet featuring Abbey Sholzberg on bass @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave. ~Gypsy Jazz
**2-5> Yor Junction Open Mic with host Sasan Beni @ La Rev, 2848 Dundas St. W.
5-8> Alaion Richer @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave. ~songwriter
6> Amdrew Scott & Braeden Mitchell @ Burdock, 1184 Bloor St. W. ~songwriters; $10
6:30> La Borinquena @ Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. ~Latin/Salsa
7> George Westerholm & the Wi @ The Painted Lady, 218 Ossington Ave. ~indie; $
7> Harley Card @ The Emmet Ray Bar, 924 College St. ~Jazz; pwyc
7> Poetry Slam @ Drake Hotel, 1150 Queen St. W. ~spoken word; $7
8-10> Root Down Trio @ Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen St. W. ~Roots-Rock
8> Taxi Chain’s “Survivor’s Ball” @ Mezzrow’s, 1546 Queen St. W. ~Roots-Rock
8:30> Honesty; Prwl; Terrastray @ Duffy’s Tavern, 1238 Bloor St. W. ~indie; $
9> Wayne Neon and the Amazing Tubular Orchestra @ Bloor Bar Café, 1050 Bloor St. W. ~Roots-Rock
9> Braden Mitchell @ Burdock, 1184 Bloor St. W.
9> Tin Pan Jazz Band @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave.~ol’ time/traditional Roots
9> Berman Billings @ Rod, Gun & Barbers, 2877 Dundas St. W. ~acoustic Pop covers & originals duo
9:30> Lucien Gray Quartet @ The Emmet Ray Bar, 924 College St. ~Jazz/pwyc
10> The Mauvetones @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave. ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $
10> Soukustek; Mar Alberto @ The Garrison, 1197 Dundas St. W. ~Metal/Grunge/Hard-core; $
10> Ortrotasce; Joe Eel; Kehdo; Siviyex @ Bambi’s, 1265 Dundas St. W. ~contemporary original; $
10:30> Jammer’s Waffle House @ Alchemy, 890 College St. ~Rock/Top 40 covers
519 EAST –Guelph, K-W & vicinity
2> Matt Weidinger @ Descendants, 319 Victoria St. N., Kitchene ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
2> Stacey & Shane Guse @ Rhapsody Bar, 179 King ST. W., Kitchener
6> Jesse Pitcher @ Strykerz Kitchen, 120 Ottawa St. N., Kitchener ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
7> Chesterfield and the Sofa Kings @ The Woolwich Arrow, 176 Woolwich St., Guelph
7> Double Impact @ Nithridge Social Eatery, 3215 Roseville Rd., Ayr
8> TMJ Trio @ Manhattan’s, 951 Gordon St., Guelph ~Jazz
8> “Big Nate” @ Centre In The Square, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener ~musical theatre; $
8:30> Larnell Lewis Group @ The Jazz Room, 59 King St. N., Waterloo ~Jazz; $
9> Blue Moon; The Beelays; Mac N Sleeze @ Jimmy Jazz, 52 Macdonell St., Guelph ~indie; $
9> Fossil Rockers @ Tavern on Grange, 259 Grange Rd., Guelph ~classic Rock
9> Missourio Boggs Coalition @ Black Badger, 55 Water St. N., Cambridge ~Roots-Rock
9> Guitared & Feathered 2.0 @ Rhapsody Bar, 179 King St. W., Kitchener ~contemporary Rock; $0
9> Michael White & The White @ Busholme Inn, 156 Main St. (Hwy 24), Erin ~tribute to Led Zeppelin; $
9:30> Puncbuggy Yellow and Frank Koren @ Shakespeare Arms, 35 Harvard Rd., Guelph
9:30> Hunter Sheridan @ McCabe’s Irish Pub, 9 Wyndham St. N., Guelph ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
10:30> David Scott @ Doogie’s & Pablo’s, 37 Wyndham St. N., Guelph ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
5-8> Rick & Gailie @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
5-9> Barry McMullen @ Chemong Lodge, 764 Hunter St., Bridgenorth-Selwyn ~smooth Rock/Pop
7-10> Rob Phillips @ Publican House, 300 Charlotte St., Peterborough ~Jazz
7-10> Mayhemingways @ Kawrtha Coffee Co., 58 Bolton St., Bobcaygeon ~Roots-Rock
8:30> House Brand @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough
8:30> Adam & Fran Webster @ The Huron Club, 94 Pine St., Collingwood ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
8:30> Campfire Poets @ Corner Café Grill, 3 Bruce St., Thornbury ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9> David Love Band also featuring Darrell McNeill @ Sticky Fingers Dunlop, 150 Dunlop St. W., Barrie ~60s Pop Rock dance band
9> Kevin Foster @ O’Hara’s Public House, 420 Leacock Dr., Barrie ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
9> Ice @ Harbour Street Fish Bar, 10 Keith Ave., Collingwood ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $5
10> Tara Box and the Revellers @ Donaleigh’s Irish Public House, 28 Dunlop St. E., Barrie
10> Big Shiny 90s @ British Arms Pub, 29 Dunlop St. E., Barrie ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
10> Brian Haddlesey @ McThirsty’s Pint, 166 Charlotte St., Peterborough
905 EAST –Pickering to Cobourg
3-5> The Quartette @ Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa ~Rock/Top 40 covers
4> PRJ @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St., Oshawa ~Blues/R&B
7-10> The Buttercups @ Cork & Bean, 8 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa
9> Rida & Bassem @ Mazza Garden Restaurant, 325 Westney Rd., Ajax
9> Common Grfound @ Michelle’s Billiards, 601 Dunas St. W., Whitby
9> Ron Kirkham & Neon Rain @ The Corral, 433 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa ~Country
9-1> Eastside Brodie @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa
9:30> Kerry Kalli Band @ West Shore, 877 Bayly St., Pickering ~classic Rock
9:30> Tamin’ Thunder @ The Edge Lounge, 250 Bayly St. W., Ajax ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9:30> Allies @ General Pub & Grill, 21 Celina St., Oshawa ~Rock/Top 40 covers
10> Daye Trippers @ Harwood Blues, 7 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax ~Rock/Top 40 covers
10> The Irelands @ Gryphon Pub, 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
10> Shotgun Nun @ Tap & Tankard, 224 Brock St. S., Whitby ~Rock/Top 40 covers
10> Deuce @ Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa ~Rock/Top 40 covers
905 NORTH-EAST –east of Hwy #400
5> Vinyl Lights @ Ramada Jackson’s Point Resort, 49 Lorne St., Sutton ~smooth Rock/Pop
8> Bianca Rolo @ The Tickled Toad, 330 Steeles Ave., W., Thornhill ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
8-11> Dual Therapy @ Market Brewing Company, 17775 Leslie St., Newmarket ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9> Salty @ Colonel Mustard’s Newmarket, 16925 Yonge St., Newmarket ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9> Dino and the Dogs @ Father’s Moustache Grill, 15570 Yonge St., Aurora ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9:30> Zander Keith @ The Tipsy Cow, 6298 Main St., Stouffville ~Rock/Top 40 covers
905 NORTH-WEST –west of Hwy #400
*3-7> open jam with Faces for Radio @ CC’s/Kennedy Court, 3 Stafford Dr., Brampton
8> Mark Yan & Barry Mulcahy Duo @ Uncorked On Main, 72 Main St., Georgetown ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
8> The Strum Addicts @ Ned Devine’s, 575 Ontario Street, Milton ~contemporary original; $
9-1> One Row Back @ Fionn MacCool’s Vaughan, 6110 Hwy. #7, Vaughan ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9-1> Molly’s Chamber @ Oscar’s Roadhouse, 1785 Queen St. E., Brampton ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9> We Ain’t Petty @ Spot 1, 289 Rutherford Rd. S., Brampton ~tribute to Tom Petty; $
8> Urban Sky @ Keenan’s Irish Pub, 550 Queen St. W., Brampton ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9> Stone Monkeys @ The Rad Brothers, 550 Ontario St. S., Milton ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9:30> The Doubts @ Jake’s Boathouse Brampton, 59 First Gulf Rd., Brampton ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9:30> Kenny V @ St. George Pub, 7 Main St. N., Georgetown ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
905 SOUTH –Hamilton & vicinity
**2:30> Blues Matinée with The Coachmen (Colin Lapsey, Dave King, Chris Wheeler, Ian Andrews) @ Coach & Lantern (upstairs), 384 Wilson St E., Hamilton ~Blues
*6> Henry Strong Duo @ Cavallo Nero, 370 Wilson St. E., Ancaster ~Jazz
7:45> The Naires; Ruddy Ruckus; Another Crush; more @ The Doors Pub, 56 Hess St. South, Hamilton ~Metal/Grunge/Hard-core; $
7:45> Skaface; The Let Down dot ca @ This Ain’t Hollywood, 345 James St. N., Hamilton ~Ska
9> Off The Record @ 33 Bowen, 33 Bowen St., Hamilton ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9-1> Jesse James Medicine Show @ The Honest Lawyer, 110 King St., Hamilton ~Funk/R&B/Soul; $0
9:30> Between The Angels; Stackhouse Down; Mavric @ Corktown Pub, 175 Young St., Hamilton ~indie; $
9:30> Crank @ Stonewalls Hamilton, 339 York Blvd., Hamilton ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9:30> Chris Wheeler @ Cat N Fiddle Hamilton, 174 John St., S., Hamilton
10> Full Tilt @ Augusta House, 17 Augusta St., Hamilton ~Rock/Top 40 covers
10> Fiction @ Old Powerhouse, 21 Jones St., Hamilton/Stoney Creek ~Rock/Top 40 covers
905 WEST –south Peel, Halton
**2-6> Sil Simone Band with guest Connie Scriver @ Carrigan Arms, 2025 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington ~Rock/Blues
**2-6> Saturday Blues Sermon with James Anthony & special guest DD @ Uptown Social House, 1900 Walkers Line, Burlington ~Blues/R&B
* 2:30-6:30> open jam with Martin Rouleau with backline provided @ Moonshine Café, 137 Kerr St., Oakville
*3-7> jam with Michelle Deneault & Redder @ Port Credit Legion, 35 Front St., Port Credit-Mississauga
4-8> Gigi Noche Duo @ Roc’n Doc’s, 105 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit-Mississauga ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
7> Peter Marino @ Max Resto Lounge, 2180 Itabashi Way, Burlington ~smooth Rock/Pop
*8> open jam with Whiskey Chasers @ Clancy’s Pub, 4490 Fairview St., Burlington
8> Tim Park @ Barra Fion, 1505 Guelph Line, Burlington ~acoustic Pop covers & originals
9> Paul Hampson @ Abbey Road Pub, 3200 Erin Mills Parkway, Mississauga ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9> Shjaane Glove Band & guest Patrick Mahoney @ Moonshine Café, 137 Kerr St., Oakville ~songwriters; $
9> AcoustiX @ American House, 324 Dundas St. E., Waterdown ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9:30> Tim Hebert & Borderline @ Caven’s Alley, 585 Lakeshore Rd. E., Mississauga ~Rock/R&B covers; $0
9:30> Mike Ferfolia @ Shore Grill, 71 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit-Mississauga ~Rock/Top 40 covers/Top 40
9:30> Dave Murphy Band @ Mulligan’s Pub, 2428 Dundas St. W., Mississauga ~Rock/Top 40 covers
9:30> Fiddlestix Duo @ Cuchulainn’s Irish Pub, 158 Queen St. S., Streetsville-Mississauga ~Roots-Rock
9:30-11:45> Kayar and Friends @ 5 West Brewpub, 3600 Dundas Street, Burlington ~Rock/Top 40 covers
10-2> Groove Marmalade @ Roc’n Doc’s, 105 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit-Mississauga ~Rock/Top 40 covers; $
10> Decade 80 @ The Dickens, 423 Elizabeth St., Burlington ~80s Rock/Top 40 covers
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically. Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Events preceded by question mark (?) usually take place but have not been confirmed. Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchasers (eg.: seniors, students, members, kids, etc). /+ indicates stated price is minimum.
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