Monthly Archives: June 2018

The evil of Axis prompts stiffed musicians to call for boycott

Ice cream freezer featured on stage at Axis on June 16 -FACEBOOK, Steve Robinson

\ TO WEST \ Musicians and their fans in the Junction area are calling on people to boycott performing at or patronizing longtime live music venue Axis Gallery & Grill after a band’s show was cancelled with no compensation upon their arrival at the bar last Saturday night. It’s the latest in a series of…

RIP Peter Mathieson – “The Human Fireball” has blazed its last

Peter Mathieson -Gary 17

Although it did not come as a surprise to anyone —except possibly Peter Mathieson himself— the passing of the veteran Folk singer and wit the morning of Monday June 18 nevertheless was a cause for profound sadness among his many friends, fans and fellow players. The irrepressible humourist, bon vivant and crafter of delightfully clever…